Author Site Reviewresults

Policies and Procedures

DSB Policies and Deployment Plan

G.1.1.2023    Introduction to Policy Manual
G.1.2.2023    Deployment Plan
G.1.3.2023    Mission Vision and Values
G.1.4.2023    Standards Adherence for Vehicle Equipment

Communications Directives

G.2.1.2023    Paramedic and ACO Interaction
G.2.2.2023    Radio Procedures
G.2.3.2023    Notification of Paramedic Superintendent
G.2.4.2023    Communication Dissemination and Unauthorized Recording

Operations Directives

G.3.1.2023    Return to Response Readiness
G.3.2.2023    Vehicle Operation
G.3.3.2023    Absence Notification
G.3.4.2023    Disinfecting of Vehicle and Patient Care Equipment
G.3.5.2023    Paramedic Code of Conduct
G.3.6.2023    Use of Cannabis By Paramedics
G.3.7.2023    Shift Exchanges
G.3.8.2023    Single Paramedic Response Procedure
G.3.9.2023    Paramedic Uniform Expectations
G.3.10.2023    Hazardous Incident Identification
G.3.11.2023    Remote Technical Rescue
G.3.12.2023    Collision Reporting
G.3.13.2023    Allied Agency Operation of Paramedic Services Vehicles
G.3.14.2023    Disaster Continuity Plan
G.3.15.2023    Tiered Response
G.3.16.2023    Multiple Patient Transport
G.3.17.2023    Transportation of Patient Property
G.3.18.2023    Physicians Orders
G.3.19.2023    Midwives at the Scene
G.3.20.2023    Care and Transportation of Disabled Patients
G.3.21.2023    Patient Access Denied or Delayed
G.3.22.2023    Care Transportation of Psychiatric Patients
G.3.23.2023    Care Transportation of Psychiatric Patients
G.3.24.2023    Victims of Violence
G.3.25.2023    Management of VSA or Deceased Persons

Documentation Directives

G.4.1.2023    ePCR Completion and Distribution
G.4.2.2023    Incident Report or Occurence Report Completion
G.4.3.2023    Confidentiality of Records and Documents

Vehicles Equipment and Facilities

G.5.1.2023    Vehicle Equipment Inspection
G.5.2.2023    Adjunct Maintenance Program
G.5.3.2023    Security and Cleanliness
G.5.4.2023    Use of Oxygen Regulators
G.5.5.2023    Ferno Number 9 Stretcher Use
G.5.6.2023    Alternative Lifting Devices
G.5.7.2023    Fracture Board
G.5.8.2023    Kendrick Extrication Device (KED)
G.5.9.2023    Scoop Stretcher
G.5.10.2023    Stryker Tracked Stair Chair
G.5.11.2023    Ferno 35 P and 35 A Stretcher
G.5.12.2023    Fueling Procedure
G.5.13.2023    Replacement of Medication and Patient Care Equipment
G.5.14.2023    Inventory Control
G.5.15.2023    Zoll Cardiac Monitor Maintenance
G.5.16.2023    Vehicle and Equipment General and Deep Clean Process
G.5.17.2023    Fire Extinguishers
G.5.18.2023    Loss of Fleet Facilities and Equipment
G.5.19.2023    Fleet Preventative Maintenance and Repair Program
G.5.20.2023    Use of GPS AVL Monitoring Devices
G.5.21.2023    Loss or Failure of Equipment
G.5.22.2023    Stryker MX Pro Stretcher
G.5.23.2023    Styker Power XT Pro Strecher

Professional Standards and Development Directives

G.6.1.2023    Paramedic Graduated Driving Program
G.6.2.2023    Continuing Education, Remediation and Reinitregration
G.6.3.2023    Provision of Patient Care
G.6.4.2023    Clinical Observation Deployment
G.6.5.2023    Paramedic Safety While Engaged in Professional Development Programs
G.6.6.2023    Annual Performance Appraisal Process
G.6.7.2023    Regulatory Compliance for Employment
G.6.8.2023    Complaint Management
G.6.9.2023    Human Resources Inventory
G.6.10.2023  ePCR Audits

Stakeholder Relations

G.7.1.2023    Emergency Department Closure
G.7.2.2023    Escort Directive
G.7.3.2023    Special Event and Public Relations Activities

Occupational Health and Safety

G.8.1.2023    Workplace First Aid Equipment and Processes
G.8.2.2023    Care and Transportation of Suspected Ebola EVDCases
G.8.3.2023    Personal Floatation Device Utilization
G.8.4.2023    Operating Around Aircraft
G.8.5.2023    Personal Hand Hygiene
G.8.6.2023    Prohibition of Smoking
G.8.7.2023    Transportation of Communicable Disease Patients
G.8.8.2023    Notification of Fire Services
G.8.9.2023    Disposal of Hazardous Materials and Biomedical Sharps
G.8.10.2023  Traffic Safety
G.8.11.2023   Personnel Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities
G.8.12.2023   Ergonomic Lifting
G.8.13.2023   Paramedic Safety Equipment
G.8.14.2023   Ambulance Staging