Author Site Reviewresults

G.3.7 Shift Exchanges


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Operations Directives Replaces: April 30, 2022
Subject: Shift Exchanges  Policy No. G.3.7.2023 



To provide Paramedic Services personnel with the opportunityto alter their schedules by way of a shift change with other staff holding the same qualification and designation.


Paramedics, Paramedic Superintendents


  1. Paramedics shall utilize the scheduling software to request shift exchanges.
  2. Such shift exchanges are considered an agreement between the specific staff members, and as such, the service holds both parties responsible to ensure deployment coverage.
  3. Shift exchanges shall not result in any premium payment.
  4. Shift exchanges must be requested with suitable advanced notice to allow for the appropriate approval and amendments to the schedule.
  5. Additional guidelines for shift exchanges are listed in the collective agreement.
  6. Shift exchanges between staff are a privilege, and while they will not be unreasonably denied, they are subject to negative operational impact, and will only be managed/approved during business hours.


OPSEU Local 679 Collective Agreement