Author Site Reviewresults

G.3.4 SDisinfecting of Vehicle and Patient Care Equipment


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Operations Directives Replaces: April 12, 2022
Subject: Disinfecting of Vehicle and Patient Care Equipment Policy No. G.3.4.2023 



To ensure Paramedics are aware of the process for disinfecting of Vehicles and Patient Care Equipment. 


Paramedics, Paramedic Superintendents


Paramedics are responsible to clean and sanitize all vehicles and equipment.

Each vehicle shall at a minimum be cleaned in accordance with this policy upon returning to the station and prior to leaving the station on the next deployment shift. In addition, staff members are responsible to ensure the patient compartment is properly cleaned after each call for service to ensure garbage has been removed and visible dirt cleaned including sweeping and mopping the floors.

The stretcher should be cleaned, and the stretcher linen replaced after each call for service in accordance with this policy.

Cleaning Solutions

The following cleaning solutions shall be used to clean and sanitize vehicles:

  • Oxivir Plus (1st choice) Clean, sanitize and disinfect all surfaces and equipment (deep clean days)
  • Oxivir Tb Wipes – utilized after each call 
  • Virox 5 (back up) Clean, sanitize and disinfect all surfaces and equipment (deep clean days)
  • Glance NA Glass - window cleaner

Note: cleaning products may change over time, follow label directions for specific mixing and cleaning tasks.

Concentrated ratios are diluted with water in the J- fill units throughout all the stations and dispensed in WHMIS approved labeled spray bottles.

Staff performing disinfecting, cleaning are required to wear disposable gloves and safety eye wear. When cleaning infectious equipment, staff shall be responsible to do a disposable gown and surgical mask prior to carrying out the cleaning and decontamination procedures.

Note: For cleaning blood and body fluids including decontamination of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus):

  • Remove excess blood and body fluid absorbent materials.
  • Clean/sanitize contaminated area with Oxivir plus™ 1:40 to surface soak minimum of 30 seconds, wipe dry, no rinse required.
  • Disinfect pour Oxivir Plus 1: 40 to surface and allow to remain wet for five (5) minutes.  Wipe dry, temperature 20 degree C.

Vehicle Interior
1. Remove Stretchers; and disinfect by wiping down all rails and mattress with Oxivir Plus or Virox (backup cleaner).

  • Once cleaned stretcher mattresses shall be covered with a clean sheet after each call for service.
  • Pillows shall have a clean pillowcase.
  •  A clean sheet and thermal blanket (during cool weather) shall be placed on the stretcher in a fashion that allows the medic to wrap the patient to protect from the elements.

2. Empty all garbage from cab and patient compartment and remove dirty linen.
3. Clean/sanitize all touch surfaces in Patient Compartment utilizing Oxivir Plus:

  • Cabinet doors
  • Exposed walls ceiling, inside doors, contact area padding, cabinet doors, AED Storage area) 
  • Action wall
  • Seats
  • Grab handles and door handles 
  • Radio /intercom handset

4. Clean/sanitize, touch surface areas in vehicle cab 

  • Dash controls, steering wheel, gear shift. 
  • Radio control head, mic.
  • Intercom handset, seat belts, and clasps, door handles, cup holders, radio control panel, warning systems controls, computer.

5. Clean Glass (Windshield, front side windows, patient compartment windows)
6. Sweep/Vacuum/Mop floors. (Vehicle cab, patient compartment)
7. Verify bags for any obvious damage or "dirt" and switch if appropriate.

Note: See Attached training bulletin for Vital Oxide & Sprayer Operations

Vehicle Exterior

  1. Remove visible dirt, wheel wells, rinse ice from underside of vehicle.
  2. Apply soap with power washer (apply to all surfaces).
  3. Scrub exterior surfaces with brush and clean carwash solution (using wash brush clean all surfaces working from top to bottom).
  4. Rinse with Power washer (rinse all soap dirt from exterior surfaces).

Clean/Sanitize all Patient Care Equipment

The procedure by which Paramedic Services personnel will clean equipment. The power washer is not to be utilized for cleaning visible body fluids from vehicles and equipment as this will atomize the fluid creating an airborne biohazard .

The ratio of Oxivir Plus concentration for disinfecting is 1:40.


  Lightly Soiled Heavily Soiled


  • Apply Oxivir Plus.
  • Let sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Wipe down all surfaces (front/back).              


  • Apply Oxivir Plus.
  • Let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe down all surfaces (front/back).                     
  • Apply Oxivir Plus.
  • Let sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Wipe down strap/buckle.
  • Hang to dry.
  • Put Oxivir Plus in sink and fill with water. (250ml/4L water)
  • Let sit for 30 minutes.
  • Wipe down strap / buckle.
  • Hang to dry.
  • Apply Oxivir Plus
  • Let sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Wipe down pillow, KED, straps, and chain straps.


  • Apply Oxivir Plus
  • Let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe down all surfaces.
  • Throw out chin straps if blood does not come off.
  • Use Oxivir Plus wipes.
  • Wipe all cables.
  • Wipe button/screen (all surfaces).
  • Wipe handle / strap.
  • Wipe black case.
  • Use Oxivir Plus wipes.
  • Wipe all cables.
  • Wipe all surfaces (buttons, screen).
  • Wipe hand / strap.
  • Wipe black case.
  • Apply Oxivir Plus
  • Let sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Wipe down all surfaces.
  • Remove equipment.
  • Put in washing machine or bring to get cleaned.
Towel Rolls
  • Remove tape.
  • Put in dirty laundry bag.
  • Remove tape.
  • Put in laundry bag.
Stretcher, stair chair
  • Apply Oxivir Plus
  • Let sit for 30 seconds to 1 minute 
  • Wipe down all surfaces
  • Apply Oxivir Plus
  • Let sit for 5 minutes 
  • Wipe down all surfaces.