Author Site Reviewresults

G.8.1 Introduction to Workplace First Aid and Injury Response


Paramedic Services Effective Date: April 30, 2019
Topic: Health & Safety

Replaces: January 1, 2010

Subject: Introduction to Workplace First Aid and Injury Response Policy No. G.8.1.



Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and its Paramedic Services has established this directive to instruct all staff on proper provision of patient care in the workplace to ensure compliance with established requirements as set out by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Regulation 1101, and the required management of First Aid equipment and documents

  • Paramedics
  • Paramedic Superintendents
  • Senior Managers
  • Joint Health and Safety Committee


First Aid Station and Placement of First Aid Supplies

Each workplace is required to have a First Aid station, which contains a First Aid Kit, inspection card and appropriately posted information.  

  1. A first aid station shall contain:

    1. A first aid box containing the items required as specified by Regulation 1101,
    2. An inspection card with space for recording each inspection date and the signature of the person performing the inspection; and
    3. A Health and Safety Board displaying the current WSIB poster. 
  1. The first aid station shall be considered under the control of Paramedics or other qualified staff working in the immediate vicinity of the first aid station.   

First Aid Kit Contents

Regulation 1101 requires every employer employing more than five workers and not more than fifteen workers in any one shift at a place of employment shall provide and maintain a first aid station with a first aid box containing a minimum, 

  1. A current edition of a standard St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual;

  1. 1 card of safety pins; and

  1. Dressings consisting of,

    1. 12 adhesive dressings individually wrapped,
    2. 4 sterile gauze pads, 3 inches square,
    3. 2 rolls of 2-inch gauze bandage,
    4. 2 field dressings, 4 inches square or 2, 4-inch sterile bandage compresses,
    5. 1 triangular bandage. 
Provision of Patient Care

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedics are expected to provide patient care in accordance with all applicable Regulations and certifications, including the delivery of immediate care to any person within the workplace. Paramedic qualifications supersedes expectations as set out in WSIB Regulation 1101.  

Where necessary, care for an employee within the workplace may require that the Paramedic Service resource is taken out of service, and in all instances, an injury or illness that requires provision of patient care will result in complete documentation as required by Legislation. Additionally, notification of both the CACC ACO and the on-duty Paramedic Superintendent shall be completed.

Transportation to Definitive Care

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services will ensure the provision of appropriate transportation for any ill or injured personnel to a medical facility when deemed necessary.  

Health and Safety Documentation

The following documentation is to be completed on a regular basis as appropriate: 

  1. Each Paramedic Service Station will be subject to a Monthly Station Inspection that includes completion of a First Aid Station Inspection, and confirmation of the Form 82 Poster and Occupational Health and Safety Act.
  2. In the event of a First Aid only incident, a Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Report of Injury Form will be completed and submitted to the Paramedic Superintendent. The Superintendent shall complete the Supervisors report of Injury Form. Witness Occurrence reports shall also be completed and collected. 
  3. In the event of a Medical Aid incident, in addition to the reports required for a First Aid incident, an Ambulance Call report shall be completed by the Paramedic caring for the worker. The worker seeking medical care shall be furnished with a Functional Abilities Form (FAF) for completion by the Physician or designate. A Form 7 will be completed and submitted by the employer.