Author Site Reviewresults

G.2.2 Radio Procedures


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Communication Directives   Replaces: April 30, 2022
Subject:  Radio Procedures Policy No. G.2.2. 



To ensure compliance with Regulations as set out and amended from time to time, and to maintain a common effective radio procedure throughout our area.


Paramedics, Paramedic Superintendents, Senior Managers


Effective and efficient utilization of the radio system, and adherence to the operating procedures ensures that incidents where personnel can’t access available resources are limited, and in turn mitigates the safety challenges from loss of direct communications.  


1) Established Priority codes are intended to ensure truncated communication of patient acuity and as such should be utilized only as follows: 

Priority – 1 – Deferrable Call        
Priority – 2 – Scheduled Call
Priority – 3 – Prompt Call            
Priority – 4 – Urgent Call
Priority – 5 – Obviously Dead        
Priority – 6 – Legally Dead
Priority – 8 – Standby            
Priority – 9 – Maintenance
Priority – 0 – Other/Administrative

2) All communications responses will be started with the 4-digit specific unit identifier and current location.  
3) Airtime use should be restricted to those details which are necessary/relevant
4) General procedures related to radio use are as follows:
a) Unless otherwise established, the identifier is the 4-digit EHS number.
b) Always communicate in a clear well-modulated and professional manner.  
c) Speak directly into the microphone at a distance no more than 3” away. 
d) Plain English is the only alternative to any approved code.
e) Use of confidential patient information should be avoided.
f) Transmission over another Paramedic, on the same frequency, should be avoided.

The established NATO phonetic alphabet shall be used 

Patching with Receiving Emergency Departments

In each instance where Paramedics respond to any community request and are required to complete transport to any emergency department, the following process will be followed:


  1. Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedics will contact the CACC ACO as soon as practical following their T-5 departure and will communicate the priority, CTAS and destination.
  2. The CACC ACO will direct Paramedics to the appropriate tactical frequency to complete a report patch with the destination hospital staff.  
  3. The CACC ACO will page the receiving hospital. 
  4. The CACC ACO will patch the defined radio frequencies to allow Paramedics to speak directly to the receiving hospital via radio.
  5. The receiving hospital staff will report to the proper tactical frequency and advise when ready to take the report. 
  6. The receiving hospital staff will initiate communication with Paramedics 
  7. The Paramedics will reply by confirming their vehicle number and requesting confirmation that the receiving facility can clearly hear the Paramedics.
  8. Once the receiving facility has confirmed they have a clear radio patch, the Paramedics will deliver a concise report on their patient including the patient priority, CTAS and an ETA to the facility.
  9. The receiving facility will confirm receipt of the patient information and may ask any follow up questions surrounding the patient.
  10. Once the patch is complete, the receiving facility will terminate the patch by stating “facility name out”.  
  11. Paramedics will switch from the tactical frequency back the local operating frequency and will complete a radio check with the CACC ACO.

Radio Malfunctions

1. Where any malfunctioning radio is found, the Paramedic shall:

a) Check radio battery status and replace battery where necessary.
b) Attempt communication by way of a secondary device. 
c) Notify the CACC ACO of the problem as soon as possible.
d) Notify the Paramedic Superintendent.
e) Complete a Ticket in Operative IQ. 
f) Complete an Incident report where the failure took place on a response.

2. Paramedic Services personnel shall not attempt to repair any radio system. 

3. The Paramedic Superintendent will coordinate the radio repair/replacement with the MOHLTC IT Cluster.