Author Site Reviewresults

G.4.2 Incident Reports


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Documentation Directives Replaces: April 30, 2022
Subject: Incident Reports Policy No. G.4.2.2023



The purpose of an Incident Report or Occurrence Report is to allow for the accurate and organized documentation of event details where such information is not readily captured in any other established document.


  • Paramedics
  • Paramedic Superintendents
  • Senior Managers


Regulation 257/00 of the "Ambulance Act" regarding the Ontario Ambulance Documentation Standards requires that an Incident Report (IR) be completed for the incidents outlined under the Procedure Section of this policy. 

Incident Reports or Occurrence Report shall be completed as soon as operationally feasible following an incident. Where circumstance prevents this, the IR/Occurrence Report shall be completed before the end of the shift.

Incident Reports or Occurrence Reports shall be of a quality suitable for use as evidence in an investigation or legal proceeding. These completed documents are confidential and subject to regulatory provisions.

In the event that an IR or Occurrence Report is required, each Paramedic must complete their own IR/Occurrence Report detailing their personal observations and actions taken at the scene. Such reports will be completed using the Prehos or mDOCS platforms. Special attention must be exercised to not include any personal health information of the patient(s) involved in the IR itself.

An Incident Report shall be completed by the involved Paramedics whenever:

  1. A complaint is received relating to care provided or due to a negative interaction with a member of the public or allied agency.
  2. When an investigation relating to the Paramedic Services is conducted by the Deputy Chief or designate for any reason.
  3. An unusual response or service delay that may have negatively impacted the provision of patient care.
  4. A delay in accessing a patient that may have negatively impacted the provision of patient care.
  5. An excessive amount of time on scene that may have negatively impacted the provision of patient care.
  6. Cases of suspicious or unexpected death that may be likely to result in a coroner and/or police investigation.
  7. Any circumstance that resulted in harm to a patient or any other person being transported in an ambulance, including equipment deficiencies.
  8. Any circumstance which resulted in a risk to, or endangerment of the health or safety of, a patient, or any other person being transported in an ambulance.
  9. Whenever a paper copy of an ACR is completed rather than utilising the electronic platform.
  10. A specific request is received from the Chief, Deputy Chief or Superintendent. 

An Occurrence Report should be completed for all other incidents not requiring an ePCR. Examples of such incidents include but are not limited to:

  1. Paramedic Services asset damage sustained during the regular performance of duties or while deployed on special events or training.
  2. Any damage or loss of equipment not related to a call for service.
  3. Any unusual occurrence that requires reporting that is not related to a call for service.
  4. As requested by the Chief, Deputy Chief or Superintendent.


Ministry of Health, Emergency Services Branch, Documentation Standards, The 
Crown in Right of the Province of Ontario

Ministry of Health, Emergency Services Branch, ACR Completion Manual, The 
Crown in Right of the Province of Ontario

Emergency Health Services Branch, Basic Life Support Patient Care 

Ambulance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.19 and Regulations, Queens Printer for 