Author Site Reviewresults

G.3.14 Disaster/Continuity Plan


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Operations Directives Replaces: April 30, 2022
Subject: Disaster/Continuity Plan Policy No. G.3.14.2023



To outline the roles and responsibilities of every employee during a disaster to ensure an orderly and organized execution of duties during and after the incident.


  • Paramedics
  • Paramedic Superintendents
  • Senior Managers


1) Every employee shall ensure that they:
    a)Are fully familiar with the Disaster Plan as it applies to his/her role in the organization.
    b)Function accordingly when assigned work during a time of disaster, or a disaster training     exercise.
    c)Review the plan at least once per year.
2) All Paramedics shall ensure this policy is reviewed through access on each vehicle’s tablet in CERT’n under                      Regulatory Compliance/ G.3.14.2023 Disaster Continuity Plan. 
3) Superintendents shall ensure that the bases have a current Disaster Plan available for review.
4) The Deputy Chief shall provide a copy of the current Disaster Plan to the Sudbury CACC, allied agencies and the            Base Hospital.
5) The Disaster Plan shall be reviewed on an annual basis and shall be exercised in conjunction with different municipal      emergency plans.


In the event of a disaster, Paramedics shall work co-operatively and respond to the needs of all patients. Personnel shall adhere to the general procedures outlined below:

1) The Chief of Paramedic Services, or designate is responsible to:
    a)Update the CAO of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board;
    b)Establish the priority of tasks for subordinate staff;
    c)Ensure media releases and/or interviews are approved by the CAO;
    d)Ensure resources are available to respond to specific contingencies as needs arise;
    e)Obtain and submit documentation related to decision and direction during the event;
    f)Evaluate service response through debriefing sessions and investigations;
    g)Liaise with the Central Ambulance Communications Centre (CACC) and the site.

2) The Deputy Chief of Paramedic Services, or designate shall:
    a)Maintain a tactical relationship with the scene command, regarding number of patients,     resource requirements             and other relevant information;
    b)Maintain communication with the Chief of Paramedic Services.

3) The Paramedic Superintendent or designate shall:
    a)Confirm Incident Management adherence;
    b)Confirm the designation of a Departmental Site Command and where necessary:
        i)A Triage Officer
        ii)A Traffic Officer
        iii)A Safety Officer
    c)Update CACC as roles are assigned;
    d)Contact liaise with the allied agencies and establish/confirm a Command Post designation.

4) The first Paramedic on scene shall:
    a)Position their vehicle with emergency lights activated, leaving the vehicle keys in the     ignition;
    b)Assume the role of Paramedic Site Coordinator, until relieved, and provide relevant     communication updates,                 including the number of patients and the number of resources required;
    c)Communicate appropriate incident access and egress.

5) The Paramedic Site Commander shall:
    a)Ensure scene safety;
    b)Don the Site Coordinator vest;
    c)Designate the 1st Ambulance on scene as the Paramedic Command Post; 
    d)Liaise with Allied Agencies;
    e)Determine and communicate additional resource needs;
    f)Determine and communicate the Staging Area;
    g)Establish access/egress routes;
    h)Ensure the presence of a Triage and Traffic Control Officer;
    i)Co-ordinate inbound Paramedic resources;
    j)Maintain records of departmental activities;
    k)Co-ordinate patient transportation;
    l)Ensure coordination of any air ambulance response, including establishment of a designated     landing site;
    m)Establish a patient holding area where required.

6) The Triage Officer shall:
    a)Don the Triage Officer vest from the Mass Casualty Kit;
    b)Establish a triage area;
    c)Conduct the systematic triage and tagging of casualties;
    d)Communicate the status of patients and any special assistance requirements to the Paramedic     Site Commander;
    e)Organize the holding area;
    f)Perform secondary triage;
    g)Co-ordinate transportation of casualties.

7) The Traffic Officer shall:
    a)Don the Traffic Officer vest from the Mass Casualty Kit;
    b)Establish a staging area with the Paramedic Site Commander;
    c)Liaise with Police Services to restrict staging area access;
    d)Establish access/egress routes from the staging area to the triage/holding areas;
    e)Document resource arrivals and departures, including triage tag numbering; 
    f)Ensure PPE compliance with Paramedics;
    g)Ensure compliance with warning system and radio requirements; 
    h)Update inbound Paramedics on any incident hazards and status.

8) The Safety Officer (if assigned) shall:
    a)Don the Safety Officer vest from the vehicle MCI kit;
    b)Ensure scene safety;
    c)Ensure all Paramedic personnel are wearing their PPE;
    d)Continuously, reassess site safety and determine if relocation is necessary;
    e)Co-ordinate with the Site Commander the rotation of Paramedics;
    f)Coordinate personnel needs associated with any protracted event;

9) All inbound Paramedic Service Personnel shall:
    a)Wear appropriate PPE, including, but not limited to designated head protection, high     visibility outerwear, and               approved foot protection;
    b)Stage as directed, with warning systems and radio repeater turned off. Ignition keys will be     left in every vehicle; 
    c)Report to the Paramedic Service Site Commander;
    d)Follow the direction from Paramedic Site Commander, or Triage Officer;
    e)Treat and transport patients as directed by the Triage Officer or the Traffic Control     Officer;
    f)Complete all documentation in accordance with both legislative and organizational     requirements. 

Contingency Plans

1)Facility Risk of Loss

    Power Outage
    a)In the event of power interruption (either scheduled or unscheduled), the following actions     shall take place:
    -Personnel shall ensure that the garage bay doors are either operational on backup power or     are manually opened.
    -Personnel shall contact the Paramedic Superintendent and CACC with the notification of a     power interruption. The       ACO shall confirm that notification processes are operational.
    -Paramedic stations with automatic backup generator shall confirm functionality. Those     stations with portable                 backup generators shall activate the devices and shall ensure charging     of communications and medical                         equipment. 
    -Following the return of power, personnel shall notify the Paramedic Superintendent and CACC.

    Fire Loss
    a)In the event of any fire event, personnel shall follow the direction set out in in Policy     G.8.5.2022 Notification of              Fire Services.

    Loss of facility for any other reason 
    a)For loss of accommodation for other reasons personnel shall:
       -Attempt to identify the problem, any potential resolutions, and any need to evacuate to an     alternate location.
       -Contact the Paramedic Superintendent and follow their direction. 
       -The Paramedic Superintendent will contact CACC and brief the Supervisor of the event and     methods for                      communication to staff. 
      -The Paramedic Superintendent will coordinate with the Deputy Chief and Infrastructure     personnel to arrange                 temporary accommodations for the Paramedics. 
     -The Paramedic Superintendent will coordinate to ensure supplies and equipment are confirmed.
     -Upon the termination of the event, the Paramedic Superintendent shall ensure that the CACC     and any engaged            allied agencies have been notified.

Loss of Fleet

Where any deployed vehicle(s) breakdown or be unsuitable for utilization for any reason,     Paramedics shall notify the Paramedic Superintendent and the CACC ACO immediately. Restrict     resource assignment will be managed in accordance with the deployment Plan. 

Loss of Personnel
In the event of personnel loss that may critically impact the delivery of Paramedic Services,     the Paramedic Superintendent shall:

    •Make every effort to replace each vacancy;
    •Notify CACC of the deployment changes and confirm postponement of all nonurgent interfacility     calls.
    •Where possible, utilize Superintendent staff to operational efficiency for emergency     response. 
    •During periods of inclement weather, such that replacement staff are unable to report to     work, on duty Paramedics        will be asked to remain in deployment until replacements can be     arranged.
    •Deputy Chief will contact neighbouring service to facilitate emergency coverage. The Deputy     Chief will notify the            MOH Field Office.

Loss of Suppliers

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services shall maintain a reasonable inventory of equipment     and disposable supplies, deemed capable of allowing for a five (5) month inventory. Three (3)     months of inventory will be stored at each Paramedic station in open storage, while two (2)     months of inventory shall be kept in locked storage at the HQ building in Espanola, and locked     storage at the Paramedic Station in Little Current. Should it become apparent that a     supplier(s) is unable to provide the necessary supplies and/or equipment, the Deputy Chief of     Paramedic Services and Logistics Coordinator shall:

    •Source other vendors to provide necessary supplies, or equipment.
    •Contact neighbouring Paramedic Services who may have sufficient stock that can be purchased     until such time as        replacement supplies arrive.
    •Contact allied agencies/health care facilities who may have the sufficient stock required for     purchase until such             time as replacement supplies arrive. 
    •Arrange expedited delivery of the necessary supplies.

Inclement Weather

The nature of Northern Ontario is such that severe weather events can be expected although     infrequently throughout the year. The role of the Paramedic Superintendent includes monitoring     of weather events, and subsequent road conditions. In the event of a severe weather event that     impacts on road conditions, the Paramedic Superintendent shall:
    •Communicate any limitations on deployment or response parameters, including the     cancellation/postponement of         nonurgent interfacility transfers;
    •Share decisions with Paramedics and Senior staff;
    •Coordinate as necessary with Allied Agencies to support emergency responses. 

Paramedics shall: 
    •Respond to all emergency calls as directed by the ACO, exercising due regard at all times.
    •Notify the Paramedic Superintendent of any weather-related situations which they believe will     impact on the                 delivery of Paramedic Services.
    •Communicate to the ACO the incidence of delayed response due to weather;
    •Request any special resources deemed necessary to access patients;
    •Complete Incident Reports for any response delay due to weather conditions.


  • BLS Standards
  • Patient Care Standards
  • Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Policies
  • MSDSB Paramedic Services Deployment Plan