Author Site Reviewresults

G.3.5 Paramedic Code of Conduct


Paramedic Services Effective Date: December 31, 2023
Topic: Operations Directives Replaces: April 30, 2022
Subject: Paramedic Code of Conduct Policy No. G.3.5.2023 


To ensure Paramedics Services personnel are aware of of the employer's expectations regarding professional conduct, as representatives of Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB.


Paramedics, Paramedic Superintendents, Senior Managers, Administrative Staff


It is expected that all personnel employed by Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB shall discharge their duties in a manner that that represents the organization’s Mission, Vision and Values while ensuring honesty, diligence, efficiency and integrity. Paramedics shall present themselves professionally, ensuring that neither the DSB, nor Paramedic Services are brought into disrepute. Failure to do so will be managed as a Code of Conduct policy violation. 

Adherence to Policy and Legislation

Every Paramedic Service staff member shall:

  • Accurately represent their qualifications/credentials and shall operate within such limitations;
  • Employ health and safety practices as set out in Policy and Legislation to protect themselves, co-workers, and patients;
  • Adhere to Regulatory and Policy standards at all times;
  • Treat Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB vehicles/property with respect and Legislative compliance.
  • Only engage in workplace practices when physically/mentally fit to do so.
  • Comply with Regulatory/Policy language ensuring hours free form work.  


Every Paramedic Services employee shall:

  • Ensure their appearance is professional while in uniform.
  • Wear issued uniform apparel in an approved/appropriate manner.
  • Consider their appearance as it is perceived by the public. As such, any appearance that could negatively impact patient comfort will not be considered acceptable by the organization.
  • Ensure that on duty resting between 2300 and 0700 will take place once established work activities have been completed, ensuring reaction times are able to be met  

Paramedics who are on-call may wear casual and unoffensive attire while in the station.  

Unacceptable Activities

Paramedic Services personnel shall;

  • Abstain from the consumption of any substance that could impair full functional ability or judgment for at least twelve (12) hours prior to the start of any shift, or at any time during the shift (Cannabis consumption captured in a specific Policy).
  • Not purchase or possess alcohol/impairing medication while in uniform. 
  • Not store such products in any Paramedic Services Stations or vehicles.
  • Abstain from any types of gambling while in uniform or on DSB property.
  • Abstain from possessing or displaying books, magazines, posters, videos and language that may be considered offensive, discriminatory and/or provocative.
  • Not possess any prohibited weapon or substance as deemed by the Criminal Code of Canada while in uniform.
  • Not engage in theft of any property, or any other activity that would be in contravention of legislation.
  • Not cause willful damage to any vehicle or equipment through intentional actions, or by failing to operate equipment as intended. 
  • Not engage in horseplay or physical contact while in uniform or on DSB property as set out in Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB policy.
  • Not conduct personal business while on duty, in uniform or on DSB property as this may result in a negative public perception, and in operational impact.
  • Not be out of the Paramedic Services uniform when on duty (except for ‘on-call’ provisions) 
  • Not leave the work assignment without authorized coverage as set out by the employer (cross shift) or with expressed permission from the Paramedic Superintendent. 
  • Not utilize their position or certification as Paramedics to intimidate or influence others. 
  • Not utilize their position or certification as Paramedics in the attempt to circumvent or avoid legal proceedings.

Patient Care

Every Paramedic shall;

  • Provide medical care as necessary and in compliance with all established practices, policies, legislation and guidelines.
  • Act courteously, professionally and impartially in the delivery of patient care.
  • Demonstrate empathy and compassion for both patients and their family.
  • Ensure patient safety, dignity and privacy at all times.
  • Comply with professional expectations.
  • Respect the rights of patients, the public and co-workers.
  • Not use disparaging or unprofessional comments.
  • Accept and protect patient property surrendered to the Paramedic and ensure that all property is returned to the patient, health care professional assuming responsibility for the patient or a police officer.
  • Utilize the minimum force for restraint as set out in policy and Regulation.
  • Complete all documentation in accordance with expectations, Policy and Regulatory requirement.

Discrimination and Harassment

Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and Paramedic Services are committed to equality and fair treatment and opportunity for all employees. Paramedics shall maintain a work environment free from bullying or harassment of any form and shall maintain compliance with Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Policies. 


Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Policy C.4.03. Workplace Harassment