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How to Apply for Ontario Works

You can apply for Ontario Works through the new online application for Social Assistance, over the phone with the IBAU call centre, in person or by phone with your local Ontario Works office. 

The province has launched a new online application for Social Assistance that will allow some of the manual parts of the application to be done automatically. 

Users who complete the application online may still be asked to gather documentation however using the online application may result in less information gathering on your part. Users of the online application can potentially have their applications granted immediately if they meet the requirements. 

You may be required to complete and sign all necessary forms, including the application for assistance, and a participation agreement outlining the specific employment activities that support your best route to sustainable employment. You may also need to provide any required information and documents.

To begin the application process you may go to and complete an on-line application, contact the IBAU CALL CENTRE AT 1-888-999-1142 or contact your local office at:

Call Toll-Free 1-800-667-3145 or 705- 862-7850.

If you live outside the Manitoulin-Sudbury District area and require assistance please locate the District Services Board for your area by clicking HERE.


How to Apply for Recreation Subsidies

If you would like your child to participate in a recreation program this season, and require assistance with the registration fee or equipment, please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Maximum of $300 per child per year. Pour la version française, appuyez-ici.


How to Apply for Informal Child Care

If you're trying to move off of Ontario Works, and need temporary assistance with your child care costs, the DSB provides informal child care in areas where licensed care has not been established. Please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Pour la version française, appuyez-ici.


How to Apply for Early Childhood & Supplemental Health Related Items

If you require assistance with purchasing items such as car seats, cribs and beds, please complete the Our Kids Count Self-Application and return to the DSB office nearest you. Maximum of $300 per child per year Pour la version française, appuyez-ici. We can also assist with emergency needs such as formula and diapers.


How to Apply for Healthy Communities Fund

Through this fund we can help you with short-term one-time assistance for such things as hydro arrears or disconnection, rental arrears to avoid eviction as well as other emergency situations. Please complete the Healthy Communities Application and return it to the DSB office nearest you.


How to Apply for Community Housing:

If you wish to apply for Community Housing please complete the Housing Application Form and return it to the DSB office nearest you. This form must be printed and signed before submitting.


How to Apply for Direct Shelter Subsidy

If you have high shelter costs, you may qualify for Direct Shelter Subsidy. You must apply for Community Housing in order to qualify for this program. Applying for Community Housing does not necessarily mean you will have to move to a unit should it become available. Please contact you local office to apply for Direct Shelter Subsidy.


How to Apply for Formal Child Care Fee Subsidy

If you are working, going to school or your child requires day care for socialization you may qualify for a full or partial subsidy with a licensed day care provider. Please complete the Child Care Application (English) (French) and return it to the DSB nearest you.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

The IVR is an automated telephone line that provides active Ontario Works recipients information about their case. Recipients can obtain information regarding payment amounts and dates, overpayment balances, case status, important announcements and other general information.

The telephone number is toll free and is accessible any time of the day or night: 1-800-808-2268.

You will be asked to enter in your nine-digit Member ID number and your four-digit Personal Identification Number.

You Case Manager will setup your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) access after you have been granted Ontario Works. Your Case Manager will provide you with your nine-digit number and your four-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number)


My Benefits 

MyBenefits is an online service available to residents of Ontario who are active Ontario Works or ODSP recipients. It is available 24/7 and allows clients to see their payment and letters, report changes, report earned income and direct messages to their Case Manager. You can register for MyBenefits online. 



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