Author Site Reviewresults
***Assets and general expenses are not considered***
All the information on this application is true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.
I/we will inform the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB immediately of any changes in my/our circumstances, such as changes in marital status, employment, school, training and/or any changes in my/our situation.
I will also immediately inform the DSB if either me or my spouse's income increases or decreases by 20% over the duration of the year.
I allow the DSB to give the information on this form and any attachments to share within the DSB offices with Ontario Works or Community Housing Departments without further notice to me, if the information is necessary for the purpose of making decisions or verifying eligibility for assistance under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, Housing Services Act 2011, the Ontario Works Act 1997, or the Ontario Disability Support Program Act 1997.
For Family Information:
For Income Verfication:
Fax: (705) 862-7805 or (866) 397-3334 Mail: 210 Mead Blvd., Espanola ON P5E 1R9 Email: