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These services include:
Jobs and employers demand a higher education today. Ontario Works can help client's complete high school, improve language skills, and upgrade reading, writing or math.
Ontario Works can help participants get the skills they need for today's job market by providing access to job-specific training and special skills programs.
Training Available to OW Participants
The Manitoulin-Sudbury Ontario Works currently offers the following training to participants:
Ontario Works literacy screening and training helps participants who are unable to get or keep a job because they do not have basic reading, writing and math skills. Participants who lack basic literacy and numeracy skills are connected to training providers who assess their specific needs and provide the training that is needed.
LEAP is a special program that focuses on young parents between the ages of 16 and 21 and their children. It provides young parents who are receiving assistance through Ontario Works with the supports they need to finish high school, improve parenting skills, and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
When a client is ready for a job, Ontario Works can help — with direct connections to employers who are hiring, information on how to prepare for an interview and job training.
A community placement helps individuals contribute to their communities and get valuable experience. It's an opportunity for participants to practice their skills, improve their confidence, and develop up-to-date job references and contacts.
If approved, Ontario Works can help a client pursue self-employment activities. If a participant is interested in becoming self-employed, that person will be referred to a self-employment development agency in the community. The agency will assess the viability of the individual's business proposal and provide ongoing support in business development.
Ontario Works provides a number of benefits and financial supports, such as extended health benefits and prescription drug coverage, to help clients make the transition back to work.