Author Site Reviewresults

9.7. Suspending Assistance


Ontario Works Effective Date: March 1, 2022
Topic: Monitoring Eligibility Replaces: July 1, 2009
Subject: Suspending Assistance Policy No. H.9.7.




Case Managers should not place a suspend on the client’s regular monthly assistance as clients require clear written verification in order to suspend benefits. This however, maybe applicable in the issuance of ERE, CSUB, Discretionary Benefits, etc... 

The following are acceptable reasons for placing a client on suspend where the Case Manager has been unable to contact the client, and hence makes them ineligible for their next entitlement:

  1. Job search missing for second month. Participant must have been sent a written warning.

  2. Missing information such as pay stubs, medicals, documents required for enhanced verification (e.g., birth certificates, social insurance numbers, health insurance numbers).

  3. Assignments to be signed, e.g., Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Work Place Safety Insurance Benefits, Sickness insurance, private benefits, etc.

  4. Rent not paid.

  5. Unable to contact participant.

  6. Participant’s whereabouts unknown.

  7. Anticipated income precludes eligibility.

Cheques/Direct Bank Deposits are to be held only when there is a question of eligibility and not as a means of managing a caseload. Holding cheques/Direct Bank Deposits increases the workload for staff  increases office traffic and causes unexpected case management demands.


  1. Case Manager advises the Integrated Program Assistant to hold a client’s cheque. This does not apply to monthly cheques after cut off.

  2. Direct Bank Deposits cannot be held in the office. If a participant is not entitled, a cancel or stop payment must be completed three days before the Direct Bank Deposit is due. However, it is recommended to place your client on suspend before the cut-off. (See Section 11 - 04 for the process to follow for placing a Stop/Cancel on a DBD after cut-off).

Note: Direct Bank Deposits/cheques will automatically be held by the computer if the Statement of Income is not received.

1. Case Manager takes a screenshot of the payment details from the Social Assistance Computer System and emails it to the finance department requesting that they place a stop payment. Case Manager will document the request in the Social Assistance Computer System.
2. Case Manager must get confirmation from the finance department that the information was received.
3. The Financial Assistant checks the Royal Bank transactions and a stop payment is placed on the cheque. 
4. Confirmation is required from the Financial Assistant that the payment was stopped, prior to the Case Manager re-issuing another cheque. This process can take up to 2 days. 
5. The Financial Assistant will document the details of the request in the Social Assistance Computer System notes. (I.e. cheque #123, dated, for $xxx was stopped or cheque #123, dated, for $xxx was cashed).
6. Where the cheque has been cashed, a replacement cheque should not be issued.
To Cancel Direct Deposits/RPC Payments
1. Case Manager takes a screenshot of the payment details from the Social Assistance Computer System and emails it to the finance department requesting that the payment be cancelled.  The Case Manager will document the request in the Social Assistance Computer System.  
2. Case Manager must get confirmation from the finance department that the information was received. 
3. Confirmation is required from the Financial Assistant that the payment was cancelled, prior to the Case Manager reissuing the payment.
4. The Financial Assistant will document the details of the request in the Social Assistance Computer System notes.