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Ontario Works | Effective Date: July 1, 2009 |
Topic: Income and Exemptions | Replaces: November 1, 2004 |
Subject: Fire & Flood Victims | Policy No. H.5.3. |
From time to time, individuals and families in financial need suffer distressing losses due to flood or fire damage to their homes or apartments.
Any assistance available through OW would be by exception, and only as a last resort.
The Case Manager must verify the victim’s lack of personal resources, insurance claims, and any assistance available from the Red Cross.
If no insurance coverage exists, and no financial resources are available, such individuals or families may be provided with emergency financial assistance equal to ½ month of their normal monthly social assistance entitlement. Please consult first with the Healthy Communities Fund Initiative administered through Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, prior to issuing assistance.
If case is in receipt of ongoing Ontario Works or ODSP, assistance may be issued under Discretionary Benefits, other non-health or Healthy Communities Fund.
If case is not in receipt of ongoing OW or ODSP, assistance will be issued on a one time basis using OW - Emergency Assistance and/or Healthy Communities Fund.
All cases must be approved by the OW Supervisor or Director of Integrated Social Services.