Author Site Reviewresults

3.8. Transients & Homeless Persons


Ontario Works Effective Date: July 1, 2009
Topic: Financial Assistance Eligibility    Replaces: November 1, 2004
Subject: Transients & Homeless Persons Policy No. H.3.8. 



Authority  OW Art: Sec. 7(3), 13, 37, 71, 72, 74 & OW Directives:  Dir. 3.1

A transient person is one who does not intend to reside in the geographic area of the delivery agent (i.e. just passing through). 

A homeless person is one who is a resident in the geographic area of the delivery agent, but does not live in a “dwelling place”, in the normal sense of a conventional structure (i.e. house or apartment). See Directive 30.0 - 21 for exclusions. 

A transient or homeless person shall be deemed to reside or have resided in the geographic area of the delivery agent in which he or she applies for assistance. Assistance shall not be refused to an applicant solely because he or she does not have a “conventional dwelling place”.  


Cross Reference:

Section 2.2 Emergency Assistance

Section 10.1 Healthy Communities Fund