Author Site Reviewresults

3.7. Applicants Under 18


Ontario Works Effective Date: July 1, 2009
Topic: Financial Assistance Eligibility    Replaces: November 1, 2004
Subject: Applicants Under 18 Policy No. H.3.7. 



Authority  OW Art: Sec. 17, Family Law Act: Sect. 31 & OW Directives:  Dir. 3.5

See directives listed above. 


  1. The Case Manager will complete the application with a detailed narrative explaining why the applicant feels he/she can no longer live at home.  Eligibility criteria must be explained. 
  1. Along with the necessary documentation the Case Manager is required to have completed: 
  1. A student letter of understanding for the appropriate school principle authorizing Manitoulin- Sudbury District Services Board to exchange information with that school.
  2. An Agreement to Provide Adult Supervision and an Appointment of Trustee form must be completed with the client and trustee present. 
  3. An Ontario Works Participation Agreement indicating the applicant will participate in Ontario Works by completing their basic education and by looking for employment during the summer months, if not in summer school. In addition to other relevant information, the Case Manager is required to indicate on the Participation Agreement:
  1. their current courses;
  2. the number of credits needed to graduate, and
  3. the school the youth is attending. 
  1. A telephone call must be made to the parents advising them about the requirement of a letter and questionnaire from them outlining reasons why the child is not able to return home. Once verbal responses are received, the Case Manager should inform the parent that the letter and questionnaire will be forthcoming as we need their responses in writing.
  1. If there is a third party who will confirm that there are special circumstances indicating the applicant should not return home, written verification should be received from that third party. Good judgement should be employed by the Case Manager when determining the third party, as it may not always be whom the applicant chooses. The case will remain pending until such time as a parent letter, or the letter from the third party is received to verify the situation. Extenuating circumstances should be discussed with the Ontario Works Supervisor.
  1. A final assessment will be completed with the responsible adult in person to determine the adequacy of accommodations and supervision. The Case Manager will inform the proposed adult supervision provider of their responsibilities and have them sign the “Appointment of Trustee” forms. 
  1. If there has been no written response within thirty days, the applicant is to be sent a letter of ineligibility by reason that there is missing information. Reasonable efforts must be made to contact the applicant prior to the letter of ineligibility being sent out. If there has been no response, the applicant will not necessarily be found ineligible. The Case Manager will exercise good judgment in determining if an applicant under 18 should be granted benefits for extenuating circumstances.


    If found eligible, the applicant will need to be informed that if, for any reason, his/her assistance is cancelled, he/she will not be reconsidered for eligibility in their own right while under age eighteen. 


  • The responsible adult is normally named as the trustee for the participant’s benefits. Exceptions to be discussed with the Supervisor. 
  • The Case Manager will input a BF for the end of May to forward a letter in June along with a supply of Monthly Activity Reports to the student informing him/her of the requirements to participate in Ontario Works through a self directed job search, etc. A new participation agreement is to be filled out by the student and returned to advise the Case Manager of his/her intentions for the next school year. 

Cross Reference: Section 3.6. Students

Cross Reference: Section 3.3 Trusteeship

Cross Reference: Sections 23 and 31 of the Family Law Act - on support