Author Site Reviewresults

3.5. Temporary Care Assistance


Ontario Works Effective Date: July 1, 2009
Topic: Financial Assistance Eligibility    Replaces: November 1, 2004
Subject: Temporary Care Assistance Policy No. H.3.5. 



Authority  OW Art: Sec. 2, 8 and 10 & OW Directives:  Dir. 3.10


  1. The Case Manager completes the application for Temporary Care Assistance in the name of the adult providing care. This application should include:
  • an application for Temporary Care Assistance Form 2
  • Consent to Disclose and Verify Information
  • Declaration for Support & Maintenance - one for each natural parent
  • Referral to Family Support Worker - one for each natural parent
  • Rights and Responsibility form.

Additional questions to assist the Case Manager in determining eligibility follow on page 3 of this policy. 

  1. The Case Manager makes the decision to grant based on the application assessment. Please note that the adults providing temporary care must be willing to pursue support payments from the natural parents and any other benefit that the child may be entitled to receive (i.e. CPP, inheritance, NCBS, etc.) 
  1. A written note should be obtained from the natural parents, a CAS letter or custody papers verifying the custody arrangement should be maintained on file. 
  1. There are two common situations which occur that require some variation in the completion of the application and treatment of the case:
  1. Adult providing Temporary Care not in receipt of Ontario Works: 

    • dependant child status to be recorded as dependant child
    • reason for assistance Temporary Care Assistance - OW
  2. Adult providing Temporary Care is in receipt of Ontario Works: 
  • dependant child status to be recorded as dependant child to add child to budget, 
  • assigned to that same OW Case Manager 
  • case to remain active 


  • If temporary care providers obtain legal custody they are no longer eligible for OW Temporary Care Assistance. 
  • Adults providing care are to be advised of their right to apply for Child Tax Benefits on behalf of the child. 
  • If a child has earnings, the earnings must be reported but waived. Income or assets of adults providing care are not taken into consideration if they are not on assistance in their own right. 
  • The child is entitled to drug and dental coverage. 
  • Basic Dental Coverage is provided. 
  • Every effort must be made to determine whether the natural parents or legal guardian can provide care and/or maintenance for the child. If the parents have the financial capability to provide, the case will be found ineligible. 
  • If the child is in the care of the Children’s Aid Society, a Temporary Care allowance would not be granted, because assistance is already being provided. 
  • If the child has been a ward of CAS, wardship must be discharged prior to assistance being granted. Exceptional cases to be discussed with the Director of Social Services.



  1. What are your expectations for care? Temporary or permanent? Is there a plan in place the child/ren to return to the natural parent? The nature of the care must be temporary until permanent custody arrangements are settled. 
  2. Do you have a written agreement around the care of the child(ren) for your own protection? 
  3. Are the natural parents in agreement with this placement? 
  4. Has there been any family involvement to your knowledge, with CAS?