Author Site Reviewresults

3.2. Living with Parents


Ontario Works Effective Date: July 1, 2009
Topic: Financial Assistance Eligibility   Replaces: November 1, 2004
Subject: Living with Parents Policy No. H.3.2. 



Authority OW Directives: Dir. 3.4

See directive listed above, especially with regards to dependent adults' determination.


To enter case in SDMT, complete Accommodation Section, then record in the accommodation field the actual amount of rent or room and board being charged.  SDMT will issue the actual cost up to the maximum of the basic allowance and a $50 special allowance. 


The following question must be answered “YES” in the accommodation page, in order to trigger the living with parent’s calculation. 

“Are you living with your parent(s) or the parent(s) of your spouse or same-sex partner?”