Author Site Reviewresults

3.1. Co-Residents


Ontario Works Effective Date: March 1, 2022
Topic: Financial Assistance Eligibility Replaces: July 1, 2009
Subject: Co-Residents Policy No. H.3.1. 



Authority OW Act: OW Directives: Dir. 3.3   


  1. If two persons of the same or opposite sex are residing together at the time of application or during the time they are receiving assistance, the Questionnaire for Applicants and Recipients who are living with Another Adult must be completed. 
  2. The actual commencement date of the co-residency or cohabitation should be documented on the Application for Financial Assistance.
  3. If the applicant/participant is determined to be cohabiting, the person will be found ineligible as a single person or sole support parent. A letter of ineligibility must be sent to the applicant/participant along with the forms to appeal the decision. 


    If the applicant/participant is deemed to be co-residing, he/she will be eligible for assistance as a single person or parent. This is to be reviewed at the time of the next update. Questionnaires should be completed at least once every twelve months. 
  4. If the co-residence between the recipient and the person of the opposite/same sex has progressed to cohabitation the participant will be found ineligible as a single person or sole support parent and assistance will be terminated.  A termination letter must be sent to the participant along with the forms to appeal the decision.


    Where the Ontario Works administrator is satisfied that the co-residence did not amount to cohabitation, the participant will remain eligible for assistance as a single person or parent and the living arrangements are to be reviewed at the time of the next update. Questionnaires should be completed at least once every twelve months.