Author Site Reviewresults

5.4 Waitlists


Children's Services                     Effective Date: January 1, 2010  
Topic: Fee Subsidy   Replaces: 12.1 November 2004
Subject: Waitlists Policy No. F.5.4. 



The Board has established a “no wait list” policy and commits to meeting actual fee subsidy requirements, subject to annual budget allocations. 

The following guidelines are applicable should a Child Care Fee Subsidy wait list become necessary. 

If subsidized spaces are not available, and a person in need has made application for Fee Subsidy, they will be placed on a wait list in the following priority: 

  1. Ontario Works LEAP participants;
  2. Parents on social assistance (OW or ODSP) who are employed and unable to claim full child care costs through STEP;
  3. Parents on social assistance who are attending school and are unable to claim full child care costs through STEP;
  4. Sole support parents who are employed;
  5. Parents on social assistance who attend school;
  6. Sole support parents who attend school; and
  7. Two-parent families who are working or attending school 

The wait list will be maintained by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and will be updated quarterly to ensure that all people on the wait list continue to require assistance. 


When, and if, it is necessary to maintain a wait list for fee subsidy, a physical wait list will be maintained electronically using the Ontario Child Care Management System (OCCMS).