Author Site Reviewresults

10.1 Repairs and Maintenance


Children's Services Effective Date: January 1, 2025
Topic: One Time Funding    Replaces: April 1, 2021
Subject: Repairs and Maintenance Policy No. F.10.1.  


The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB will provide Repairs and Maintenance funding to approved non-profit child care service providers in alignment with community priorities. Funding is intended to support the needs of the child care system and preserve existing child care programs. In addition, Repairs and Maintenance funding is used to support licensed non-profit child care service providers and non-profit private home day care agencies to maintain compliance with the licensing requirements.

Eligible licensees must be enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELLC) or exclusively serve children aged 6 to 12.


The expenditure of funds shall be allocated on a claims basis and based on priority and funding availability. Priorities will ensure that any providers facing an emergency situation are considered first. Priority will be given to providers facing an emergency and those who are at risk of non-compliance with licensing requirements under the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA).

  1. Organizations will annually submit an electronically completed proposal or request.
  1. The Repairs and Maintenance Request shall indicate the work or item being proposed; the health and safety needs it will resolve or prevent; an estimate of the costs; projected timetable; and the implications of failure to approve the
  1. When requested by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, supporting letters will be submitted to support the request for one-time funding. For example, recommendations from the Ministry of Education Quality Assurance and Licensing Branch, a copy of the report from the Health Inspector,
  1. Request forms must be submitted on or before the date set by the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB.
  1. Organizations that receive funding shall keep a record of expenditures and receipts for a minimum of 7 years. Organizations shall provide a record of expenditures upon the request of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board within 10 business days.