Board Meeting - Minutes - September 21 2023

Draft Minutes 

of the September 21,  2023 


Present: Kevin Burke, Bruce Killah, John Deforge, Roger Landry, Rob Campbell, Al MacNevin, David Santi, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham, Jim Cahill

Regrets: Angela Kelly, Ryan Bignucolo, Steven Olsen

Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Jennifer Tasse, Lora Wahamaa, Bryan Welsh, Jim Kroesen, Ehren Baldauf, Trevor Kitchen, Amber Salach, Taylor Kreps

1.0      CALL TO ORDER 

New Board Member Introduction

Roll Call

2.0      Declarations of Conflict of Interest 

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

3.0     Closed Session 

Resolution 23-67

Moved by: John Deforge    

Seconded by:  Jim Cahill

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board move into closed session at 10:02 a.m.


4.0       Adjournment – Closed Session

Resolution 23-68

Moved by: Rob Campbell    

Seconded by:  Ken Duplessis

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board adjourn this closed session at 10:35 a.m. and move to the regular Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board meeting.


Draft Minutes

September 21, 2023


Present: Kevin Burke, Bruce Killah, John Deforge, Roger Landry, Rob Campbell, Al MacNevin, David Santi, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham, Jim Cahill

Regrets: Angela Kelly, Ryan Bignucolo, Steven Olsen

Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Lora Wahamaa, Rhonda McCauley, Jennifer Tasse, Bryan Welsh

Media: Michael Erskine, The Manitoulin Expositor

1.0       Call to Order

2.0       Land Acknowledgement

We begin this meeting by acknowledging that we are all on land that has been inhabited by Anishnawbek Nations for 10’s of thousands of years.

We’d like to acknowledge that we are here in the Robinson-Huron Treaty territory and the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and we would like to give thanks for sharing this land in order for us to continue in our work.

Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Anishnabek nations from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to unite, live, work and play on this land.

3.0       Business Arising from Closed Session

There was no business arising from closed session. 

4.0       Adoption of Agenda

Resolution No. 23-69

Moved by:  Roger Landry

Seconded by: Al MacNevin

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted.                                                       


5.0      Declarations of Conflict of Interest

There were no declarations of a conflict of interest.

6.0       Adoption of Minutes

Resolution No 23-70

Moved by: Rob Campbell         

Seconded by: Vern Gorham

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the June 15, 2023, Board meetings be approved as presented.


7.0        New Business

7.1       2023 Second Quarter CAO Activity Report

Donna Stewart, CAO, walked the board through the 2023 CAO Second Quarter Report. This report will be shared with all 18 member municipalities and board members who are encouraged to add it to Council agenda packages.

Resolution 23-71

Moved by: David Santi        

Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2023 CAO Second Quarter Activity Report be approved as presented.


7.2       2023 Second Quarter Unaudited Financial Report

Connie Morphet, Director of Finance, walked the Board through the 2023 First Quarter Unaudited Financial Report, which is forecasting a year-end surplus of $300,644.

Resolution 23-72

Moved by: John Deforge     

Seconded by: Ken Duplessis

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2023 Second Quarter Unaudited Financial Report be approved as presented.


7.3       Wiikwemkoong Financial Statements

Connie Morphet, Director of Finance, summarized the financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023 for this Ambulance Service were audited during the summer months and reported to MOHLTC.

The total expenses of $2,745,730 were within budget and are 100% funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.

Resolution 23-73

Moved by: Ken Duplessis               

Seconded by: Roger Landry

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Wiikwemkoong Financial Statements approved as presented.


7.4       Banking Tender

Connie Morphet, Director of Finance, walked the Board through the Banking Tender policy and process, in which a request for proposals was sent in July 2023 to all financial institutions that met the criteria for inclusion for consideration. The proposals were due on August 25, 2023 and we received 3 responses. After a detailed review of the tenders, comparing fees and interest rates, the final Recommendation of the  Baking Tender for  the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB remain with the RBC.

Resolution 23-74

Moved by: Kevin Burke               

Seconded by: Al MacNevin

WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board has requested proposal for the DSB Banking Services in accordance with DSB Policy B.3.06 Tendering Audit Financial and Insurance; and  

WHEREAS the Finance Department and the CAO have reviewed the proposals submitted and are recommending the Royal Bank of Canada.  

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board approves the appointment of Royal Bank of Canada as the DSB bank based on the proposal submitted. 


7.5      Ministry of Health

2023 Land Ambulance Services Grant (LASG) ADM Funding Letter and Schedule

Connie Morphet, Director of Finance, summarized the 2023 Land Ambulance Services Grant (LASG) Funding Letter, stating that the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB will receive total base funding of $10,383,110. 

7.6       Ministry of Education

7.6.1   Launch of 2023-24 Capital Priorities Program

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, walked the board through a memo the staff received confirming the launch of the 2023-2024 Capital Priorities Program. This program allows school boards to request Childcare Capital funding for projects associated with larger Capital Priorities projects within the school. She assures the board that they are currently in conversation with our school board partners to determine if there are any projects that they are applying for to include the expansion of childcare spaces. 

7.6.2    Standalone Child Care Project - Little Current PS

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, updated the board on a revisited Rainbow District School Board project that was approved in 2017-2018 to support 10 infant spaces at Little Current Public School. Lori was pleased to inform the board that this project is moving forward, which will help support the waitlist pressures and align with our space creation targets and Directed Growth Plans under the CWELCC system.

7.6.3    Revised Licensing Approach for Home Child Care

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, informed the board that staff received a memo on September 7, 2023 providing details on a revised licensing approach for home child care in the coming months. Under the new approach, the Ministry will be setting out on all licenses a unique capacity by service system manager for each service area where the agency oversees child care. If the agency oversees child care in multiple service areas, the license will specify the minimum number of approved homes the agency can oversee in each specific service system area. This change supports improved data collection and leads to a more accurate understanding of where home child care premises are in the province. These changes will occur in a phased approach. There will be no changes to funding allocations and directed growth space allocation at this time. Further details on funding will be provided as part of funding allocations and guidelines for 2024.

7.7       Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

7.7.1    MSDSB - 2024 Ontario Works Planning Allocation

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, updated the board regarding the 2024 Ontario Works Planning Allocation, 2024 notional allocations are in the amount of $1,414,200 which remains at the same level as in 2023. As shared previously we do anticipate a change in the funding formula for Ontario Works. As we move toward Employment Services Transformation, we will continue to keep the board appraised as we become aware of the impact.

7.7.2   Centralized Intake: Expanding the Province’s Role

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, shared with the board that a memo was received on August 31, 2023 regarding the expansion of the provinces role in Centralized Intake for Ontario Works. This expansion will include legislative amendments to designate the ministry as an Ontario Works delivery agent. This expansion will streamline the process and help our Case Managers provide more support for clients in hopes of creating a better pathway to employment and financial independence.

7.8      Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

2023-24 and 2024-25 Confirmed Funding Allocations for Provincially Delivered National Housing Strategy Initiatives

We received confirmation of our Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI), the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI) and the Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB) program funding allocations.  We will be required to submit an investment plan before the end of September. In June the board approved our issue report outlining our proposed investment plan for COCHI and OPHI, staff will be submitting the investment plan before the end of September.

7.9       Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day – October 17, 2023

Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, informed the board that Tuesday, October 17th, 2023, marks the 23rd annual Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. This day is to recognize commitment, hard work, and dedication of people who work with young children. This year’s theme is “Worth MORE!” The contributions that ECEs and Child Care Workers make every day in our communities is remarkable and we want them to be recognized for it! Our work must continue to ensure that we solve the child care workforce crisis and truly value the work of ECE and child care workers.

Resolution 23-75

Moved by: Denise Portelance-Godin              

Seconded by: David Santi

WHEREAS years of research confirms the experiences children have in the early years have an extraordinary impact on children’s intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development and later life outcomes; and 

WHEREAS quality Child Care and EarlyON experiences promote the well-being of children and respond to the needs of parents, Child Care workers and the broader community by supporting quality of life so that citizens can fully participate in and contribute to the economic and social life of their community; and 

WHEREAS many studies show trained and knowledgeable Early Childhood Educators and early years staff are the most important element in quality Child Care and EarlyON programs;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT October 17, 2023 be designated the 23rd annual “Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day” in recognition of the education, dedication, and commitment of Child Care workers to children, their families and quality of life of the community.


8.0    Other Business 

8.1      Initiating a Service Accountability Agreement with Ontario Health

Multi-Sectoral Service Accountability Agreement Letter

Paul Myre, Chief of Paramedic Services, was pleased to inform the board that Ontario Health has pivoted and commenced the process to establish Multi-Sectorial Service Accountability Agreements with District Services Boards across the North that offer Community Paramedicine programs. 

8.2      AMO

Thank you letter from the Honourable Sylvia Jones Deputy Premier and Minister of Health

Donna Stewart, CAO, updated the board regarding the AMO conference that was hosted from August 20 to 23, 2023. The DSB had two delegations.

8.3      Fielding Place – Funding Announcement / Grand Opening


Media Coverage

Donna Stewart, CAO, briefly spoke about the successful Grand Opening of Fielding Place in Little Current. She thanked the board chair and board members who were able to attend and expressed her gratitude for the staff that made the Grand Opening successful. The board then watched a slideshow of photos from the Grand Opening.
9.0    Next Meeting – October 19, 2023  
11.0    Adjournment

BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11:30 am until the next regular meeting to be held on October 19, 2023.

Resolution No 23-76

Moved by: Vern Gorham

Seconded by: Kevin Burke
