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of the June 15 2023
Present: Angela Kelly, Kevin Burke, Bruce Killah, John Deforge, Roger Landry, Rob Campbell, Al MacNevin, David Santi, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham
Regrets: Ryan Bignucolo, Jim Cahill
Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Lora Wahamaa, Bryan Welsh, Jim Kroesen, Ehren Baldauf
2.0 Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no declarations of conflict of interest.
3.0 Closed Session
Resolution 23-54
Moved by: Kevin Burke
Seconded by: Rob Campbell
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board move into closed session at 10:02 a.m.
4.0 Adjournment – Closed Session
Resolution 23-55
Moved by: John Deforge
Seconded by: Ken Duplessis
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board adjourn this closed session at 10:20 a.m. and move to the regular Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board meeting.
Minutes of the May 18, 2023
Present: Angela Kelly, Kevin Burke, Bruce Killah, John Deforge, Roger Landry, Rob Campbell, Al MacNevin, David Santi, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham
Regrets: Ryan Bignucolo, Jim Cahill
Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Lora Wahamaa, Bryan Welsh, Ehren Baldauf, Josh Parkinson, Megan Sloan
Media: Michael Erskine, The Manitoulin Expositor
1.0 Call to Order
Bruce Killah called the meeting to order at 10:25am.
2.0 Land Acknowledgement
We begin this meeting by acknowledging that we are all on land that has been inhabited by Anishnawbek Nations for 10’s of thousands of years.
We’d like to acknowledge that we are here in the Robinson-Huron Treaty territory and the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and we would like to give thanks for sharing this land in order for us to continue in our work.
Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Anishnabek nations from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to unite, live, work and play on this land.
3.0 Business Arising from Closed Session
Hagar Property
WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Property Committee has reviewed the Hagar Paramedic Services’ Station - Issue Report and the Environmental Site Assessments; and
WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB authorized its CAO to proceed with the conditions in the agreement of purchase and sale on the adjacent vacant property to the existing Hagar Paramedic Service Station; and
WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB approved the cost of the necessary work to be conducted;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB approves the purchase of the Adjacent Vacant Property to the existing Hagar Paramedic Service Station and directs staff to action the recommendations in the Issue Report.
Resolution No. 23-456
Moved by: Vern Gorham
Seconded by: Angela Kelly
4.0 Adoption of Agenda
Resolution No. 23-57
Moved by: Rob Campbell
Seconded by: David Santi
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted.
5.0 Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no declarations of a conflict of interest.
6.0 Adoption of Minutes
Resolution No 23-58
Moved by: Roger Landry
Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the minutes of the May 18, 2023, Board meetings be approved as presented.
7.0 Committee Meetings
7.1 HR Committee
Vern Gorham, Chair of the Human Resources Committee, provided the Board with an update on items discussed at the meeting. Vern Gorham asked Bryan Welsh, HR Consultant, to walk the board through the items below.
WHEREAS the Board has authorized the Human Resources Consultant and other designated managers to negotiate the renewal of the Collective Agreement including the signing of the Memorandum of Settlement on behalf of the Board; and
WHEREAS the parties have signed a Memorandum of Settlement on June 7, 2023; and
WHEREAS the parties are unanimously recommending ratification of this Memorandum of Settlement to their respective principals.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board ratifies the Memorandum of Settlement between Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and OPSEU Local 679 Patient Transfer Service dated June 7, 2023 and authorizes, subject to the ratification by the employees represented by OPSEU 679 Patient Transfer Service, the signing of a new Collective Agreement that expires on December 31, 2025.
Resolution No 23-59
Moved by: Roger Landry
Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin
Non-Union Salaries
WHEREAS the Board has approved, and the Union has ratified a Memorandum of Settlement for a 3 year collective agreement with CUPE 4705 and OPSEU 679; and
WHEREAS the Human Resources Committee is recommending the implementation of salary and benefit increases to align with the Memorandum of Settlement between CUPE 4705 and the DSB.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board accepts the Human Resources Committee recommendation that salary scales and benefits of the Board’s non-bargaining unit personnel be increased by the same percentage increase as the Memorandum of Settlement approved with CUPE 4705, for each year of the agreement.
Resolution No 23-60
Moved by: Vern Gorham
Seconded by: John Deforge
7.2 Program Planning Committee
Kevin Burke, Chair of the Program Planning Committee, provided the Board with an update on items discussed at the meeting. Kevin Burke asked Lori Clark, Director of Human Services, to walk the board through the items below.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Housing and Homelessness Eight Year Report Card
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, walked the board through the year 8 update on the 10-Yar Housing and Homelessness Plan, she reviewed each goal and provided examples of how they have been working towards the goals.
Program Planning Committee Chair, Kevin Burke presented the resolution below.
WHEREAS the Program Planning Committee has reviewed the Housing and Homelessness Plan Year Eight Update and the Housing and Homelessness Plan Issue Report and is recommending approval to the Board;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board accept the Program Planning Committees recommendation and approve the Housing and Homelessness Plan Year Eight Update and the Homelessness Plan Issue Report direct staff to action the recommendations in the report.
Resolution No 23-61
Moved by: Kevin Burke
Seconded by: Angela Kelly
COCHI-OPHI Investment Plan
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, walked the board through the confirmation of funding for two-year planning allocations for the COCHI and OPHI programs. Based on the projects identified in the Building Condition Assessment done in 2020 and an additional project supporting the Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation, the COCHI projects total $379,900. Staff are proposing that OPHI planning allocation of $199,100 support the DSB’s portfolio to offset costs for large repairs.
Program Planning Committee Chair, Kevin Burke presented the resolution below.
WHEREAS the Program Planning Committee has reviewed the COCHI-OHPI - Issue Report.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board accept the Program Planning Committees recommendation and approves the COCHI-OHPI - Issue Report and direct staff to action the recommendations in the report.
Resolution No 23-62
Moved by: Kevin Burke
Seconded by: Roger Landry
8.0 New Business
Ministry of Education
Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care (CWELCC)
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, shared the changes in the CWELCC allocations. Allocations have been adjusted to better reflect space enrolment. Updated allocations will support fee reduction, workforce compensation and administration in alignment with Service System Managers. Under the Directed Growth plan, our DSB will receive additional funding for fee reduction and workforce compensation. The Ministry is providing funding for start-up grants to support the creation of new childcare spaces.
She also reviewed the updated guidelines with the board; The DSB is required to confirm that all license revisions can be supported by CWELCC funding before the Ministry will grant the revision, financial flexibility maybe be afforded by the difference between licensed capacity and operating of CWELCC enrolled centers, responsible for administering the application process for start-up grants to support space creation.
2023 CWELCC System Update Memo
2023 CWELCC System Update Memo – Part 2
2023 CWELCC System Update Q&As
2023 CWELCC Access and Inclusion Framework
Mosaic of Marks
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services, shared with the board the Mosaic of Marks Exhibit. The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB in partnership with the City of Greater Sudbury were fortunate to be chosen as one of the three selected sites for the exhibit in Ontario, the other two sites were in Toronto and Ottawa. The DSB provided support for professional learning opportunities for educators across the district.
As a result of attending, educators are rethinking the material they offer to children and committing to offering children better quality tools and a greater variety of surfaces for drawing include more sustainable and recycled materials. She was proud to let you know that there were over 1000 visitors to the exhibit!
Community Paramedicine Expansion Funding
Paul Myre, Chief of Paramedicine, reminded the board of the high-level update he had given the board at the previous months board meeting regarding Community Paramedicine Program for Long Term Care (CPLTC) and that the Provincial Government had committed to continue its funding past April 2023 and into the 2023-24 and 2024-25 fiscal years. He added more information regarding new information from the Ministry of Health. The DSB has also been receiving $28k in annual base funding to support our previous CP programming since 2014, while formal approval has not yet been received by OH from MOH, we have been advised to ramp up and continue services as they expect approval in the coming weeks. In addition to the $28k in base funding, we have been advised that we have been approved for an additional $250,000 per year.
9.0 Other Business
Committee Replacement
Due to the recent resignation of board member, Ned Whynott, his committee seats are vacant. The board is asked if there are any volunteers to replace him on these committees.
Program Planning replacement: Rob Campbell
Property Committee replacement: Jim Cahill
Little Current Seniors Build
Donna Stewart, Chief Administrative Officer, walked the board through an exciting update regarding the New Seniors Housing in Little Current. She is pleased to announce that construction should be complete by mid-July, with a goal to have an open house in the fall.
NOSDA AGM – Thunder Bay June 20-22, 2023
9.0 Next Meeting – September 21, 2023
11.0 Adjournment
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 11:15 am until the next regular meeting to be held on September 21, 2023.
Resolution No 23-63
Moved by: Denise Portelance-Godin
Seconded by: Al MacNevin
Original Approved by Board Chair
Original Approved by CAO