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of the January 19, 2023
Present: Ryan Bignucolo, Kevin Burke, Jim Cahill, Rob Campbell, John Deforge, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham, Angela Kelly, Bruce Killah, Roger Landry, Al MacNevin, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ned Whynott
Regrets: David Santi
Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Ehren Baldauf, Jim Kroesen
Donna Stewart called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Angela Kelly and Ken Duplessis declared a conflict of interest for an item in closed session and excused themselves.
3.0 Closed Session
Resolution 23-01
Moved by: Vern Gorham
Seconded by: Bruce Killah
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board move into closed session at 10:02 a.m.
Resolution 23-02
Moved by: Rob Campbell
Seconded by: Kevin Burke
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board adjourned this closed session at 10:56 a.m. and moved to the regular Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board meeting.
of the January 19, 2023
Present: Ryan Bignucolo, Kevin Burke, Jim Cahill, Rob Campbell, John Deforge, Ken Duplessis, Vern Gorham, Angela Kelly, Bruce Killah, Roger Landry, Al MacNevin, Denise Portelance-Godin, Ned Whynott
Regrets: David Santi
Staff: Donna Stewart, Lori Clark, Connie Morphet, Paul Myre, Amy Ingram, Joshua Parkinson, and Jennifer Tasse
Media: Michael Erskine, The Manitoulin Expositor
1.0 Donna Stewart called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
2.0 Land Acknowledgement
We begin this meeting by acknowledging that we are all on land that has been inhabited by Anishnawbek Nations for 10’s of thousands of years.
We’d like to acknowledge that we are here in the Robinson-Huron Treaty territory and the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and we would like to give thanks for sharing this land in order for us to continue in our work.
Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Anishnabek nations from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to unite, live, work and play on this land.
Business Arising from Closed Session
During its Closed Session, the Board discussed Legal and Human Resources issues.
Resolution No. 23-03
Moved by: Ryan Bignucolo
Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin
WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board has reviewed the Communications Officer Position - Issue Report and is recommending approval to the Board.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board approve the Communications Officer Position—Issue Report and direct staff to action the recommendations in the report.
Resolution No. 23- 04
Moved by: Kevin Burke
Seconded by: Bruce Killah
WHEREAS the Collective Agreement between the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSSAB and OPSEU Local 679 expired on December 31, 2019; and
WHEREAS the Board has authorized the Human Resources Consultant and other designated managers to negotiate the renewal of the Collective Agreement including the signing of the Memorandum of Settlement on behalf of the Board; and
WHEREAS the parties have signed a Memorandum of Settlement on January 6, 2023; and
WHEREAS the parties are unanimously recommending ratification of this Memorandum of Settlement to their respective principals.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board ratifies the Memorandum of Settlement between Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and OPSEU Local 679 dated January 6, 2023 and authorizes subject to the ratification by the employees represented by OPSEU 679 Paramedic Services, the signing of a new Collective Agreement that expires on December 31, 2023.
3.0 Adoption of Agenda
Resolution No. 23-05
Moved by: Vern Gorham
Seconded by: Rob Campbell
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda be adopted.
4.0 Declarations of Conflict of Interest
There were no declarations of a conflict of interest.
5.0 2023 Board Elections
5.1 Chair Nominations & Election
In standing with the DSSAB’s Act’s annual election requirements, Donna Stewart, CAO presided over the election.
The CAO called for nominations for the Chair. Bruce Killah was nominated by Kevin Burke. There were no other nominations.
Resolution No. 23-06
Moved by: Rob Campbell
Seconded by: Ryan Bignucolo
WHEREAS Regulation 278/98 of the District Social Services Administration Boards Act requires that at its first meeting after January 1 in each year, a Board shall appoint one of its members as chair of the Board.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bruce Killah is hereby proclaimed as Chair of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board for the year 2023.
5.2 Vice-Chair Nominations & Election
Donna Stewart called for nominations for Vice-Chair. Vern Gorham was nominated by Bruce Killah and Ryan Bignucolo was nominated by Denise Portelance-Godin. Vern Gorham was elected Vice-Chair by majority vote.
Resolution No. 23-07
Moved by: Al MacNevin
Seconded by: Kevin Burke
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Vern Gorham is hereby elected Vice-Chair of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board for the calendar year 2023.
Bruce Killah assumed the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
6.0 DSB Committees & Membership
6.1 Program Planning Committee (max. 5): Denise Portelance-Godin, Kevin Burke, Ned Whynott, Roger Landry, Jim Cahill and Bruce Killah (ex officio)
6.2 HR Committee (max. 5): Dave Santi, Vern Gorham, Rob Campbell, Ken Duplessis, Al MacNevin, and Bruce Killah (ex officio)
6.3 Property Committee (max. 5): Ryan Bignucolo, Angela Kelly, Vern Gorham, Kevin Burke, Ned Whynott, and Bruce Killah (ex officio)
6.4 Finance Committee (max. 6): Al MacNevin, Jim Cahill, Denise Portelance-Godin, Roger Landry, Vern Gorham, Rob Campbell and Bruce Killah (ex officio)
6.5 Ad-hoc Board Representation Committee (max.6): Membership to be established when required.
6.6 Strategic Planning Committee (max. 4): Membership to be established when required.
6.7 Emergency Planning Committee (max. 5): Membership to be established when required.
6.8 French Language Services Committee (max. 3): Membership to be established when required.
8.0 Adoption of Minutes
Resolution No. 23-08
Moved by: Ryan Bignucolo
Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the October 19, 2022 meeting be approved.
9.0 New Business
9.1 2023 Budget
Resolution No. 23-09
Moved by: Ryan Bignucolo
Seconded by: Vern Gorham
WHEREAS the Boards Finance Committee met on October 12, 2022 to review the 2023 Budget and recommend approval of the 2023 Budget to the Board; and
WHEREAS Board Resolution 22-89 dated October 19, 2022, approved the 2023 Budget in principle and recommended to the incoming Board that it accept the Finance Committee and the Boards recommendation to adopt the 2023 Operating Budget.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB accept the 2022 Board’s recommendation to adopt the 2023 Operating Budget in the amount of $45,078,872 gross and municipal share in the amount of $11,188,860 which represents an increase of $320,640 or 2.95% in the municipal share.
9.2 DSB Signing Authority
In January of each year the DSB re-visits the signing authority for the DSB financial approval processes. This year requires a replacement of two signing authorities.
Resolution No. 23-10
Moved by: Rob Campbell
Seconded by: Jim Cahill
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following persons shall have signing authority for the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board, effective as of this date: January 19th, 2023.
Board Member Bruce Killah
Board Member Kevin Burke
Board Member Vern Gorham
Chief Administrative Officer Donna Stewart
Director of Finance & Administration Connie Morphet
Director of Integrated Human Services (A) Lori Clark
Chief of Paramedic Services Paul Myre
Information Systems Manager Iain Stephen
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT each cheque be signed by two of the above-named persons, as per the dictates of existing Board 3.03 Financial Approval Policy.
9.3 Apportionment 2023
Connie Morphet, Director of Finance and Administration presented the 2023 Apportionment to the Board and advised that this information would be sent to the Municipalities.
9.4 CAO 2022 Third Quarter Report
Donna Stewart, CAO, walked the board through the 2022 CAO Third Quarter Report. This report will be shared with member municipalities who are encouraged to add it to Council agenda packages.
Resolution No. 23-11
Moved by: Denise Portelance-Godin
Seconded by: Vern Gorham
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2022 CAO Third Quarter Activity Report be approved as presented.
9.5 2022 Third Quarter Unaudited Financial Report
Connie Morphet, Director of Finance & Administration, walked the Board through the 2022 Third Quarter Unaudited Financial Report, which is forecasting a year-end surplus of $752,164.
Resolution No. 23-12
Moved by: Al MacNevin
Seconded by: Ned Whynott
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 2022 Third Quarter Unaudited Financial Report be approved as presented.
9.6 Municipality of East Ferris – Child Care Crisis
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services walked the Board through a resolution passed by the Municipality of East Ferris urging the Province of Ontario to address the child care workforce shortage in Ontario. Staff are recommending our Board pass the same resolution and share with OMSSA, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Childcare Resource and Research Unit, NOSDA, FONOM, AMO, All DSSAB’s in Northern Ontario, and all Ontario Municipalities
Resolution 23-13
Moved By: Ryan Bignucolo
Seconded By: Al MacNevin
WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board supports Resolution No. 2022-273 passed by the Municipality of East Ferris at their meeting held October 11, 2022 regarding the child care workforce shortage in Ontario; and
WHEREAS access to quality licensed child care is an essential component of Ontario’s social and economic well-being and enable children to grow up with a sense of community; and
WHEREAS lack of licensed child care is a barrier for parents to return or enter into the workforce, thus putting a strain on families, hindering economic participation, and forcing parents to remain at home to care for their children; and
WHEREAS the demand for child care spaces creates waitlists that have parents waiting for several years for a space, if they receive a space at all; and
WHEREAS in recent years the recruitment and retention of qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE’s) and child care staff has been a challenge that has been exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS the workforce crisis in the early years and child care sector has been further exasperated by the significant wage disparity between the compensation paid to RECE’s employed by school boards and those employed in licensed child care centres due to lack of funding which has created an inequity for workers with equal qualifications; and
WHEREAS Ontario has signed the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement putting Ontario on the path to reducing child care fees to an average of $10/day which will create a demand for more child care spaces when a workforce shortage already exists; and
WHEREAS the province of Ontario’s commitment to a minimum wage of $19/hour for RECE’s with $1 annual increases until reaching $25/hour does not provide and immediate response to attracting and retaining child care staff and will take many years to correct the wage disparity.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board advocates for the Province of Ontario to address the child care workforce shortage in Ontario by immediately increasing the $19/hour minimum wage and providing benefits to RECE’s in licensed child care centres to an equitable level to that which is paid to RECE’s employed by school boards; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario launch and financially support an accelerated Early Learning Childhood Education program, to be completed within 14 to 16 months, similar to the program launched in March 2022 for Personal Support Workers (PSW’s), where funding supported the costs of tuition, books, and other mandatory fees, to help address the shortage of RECE’s in Ontario; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to OMSSA, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Childcare Resource and Research Unit, NOSDA, FONOM, AMO, all District Social Services Administration Boards in Northern Ontario, and all Ontario Municipalities to request their support and advocacy for this resolution; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Minister of Education Stephen Lecce, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Vic Fedeli and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha.
9.7 Ministry of Health
Ambulance Service Review Preliminary Draft Report
Paul Myre, Chief of Paramedic Services reviewed the Ambulance Service Review Preliminary Draft Report with the board highlighting that 2 observations were found during this review, and both were related to our ongoing challenges in meeting targeted response times.
Fortunately, and with the support of the board, the DSB was able to implement countermeasures in early 2022 such as an additional Paramedic Response Unit in Little Current, a 7 day/week supplemental transporting unit in Wikwemikong and new tiered response agreement with the Municipality of French River Fire Department that the DSB believes will result in marked improvements to our response times going forward.
Centralized Intake Concerns and Potential Solutions
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services walked the board through a letter sent by OMSSA to Denise Allyson Cole, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
Many service system managers, including the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, have expressed concerns regarding the rollout of Centralized Intake for Ontario Works. Staff will continue to keep the board apprised of any changes to or concerns about centralized intake.
Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care Implementation
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services walked the Board through a letter sent by OMSSA to the Ministry of Education’s Assistant Deputy Minister, Holly Moran, related to early years and child care workforce retention and recruitment issues.
The primary concerns are the workforce challenges in early years and childcare sector. The lack of staffing is leading to room closures, many programs do not have the capacity to increase spaces to keep up with the demand.
Service managers want to work in partnership with the Minister of Education to ensure increased affordability, access, equity, and quality to children’s services.
9.9 Ministry of Education
2023 Early Years and Child Care Funding
Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services walked the Board through the 2023 Funding / Canada Wide Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELCC) Guidelines 2023.
The funding approach will remain unchanged from 2022, the Ministry is developing a new funding formula which aims to integrate the current approach for allocating child care funds with the new Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program.
The 2023 CWELCC Fee Reduction and Workforce Compensation allocation increased by $1, 333, 565. The revenue replacement approach continues in 2023 to provide a consistent revenue stream to Service Providers.
Funding was received in the amount of $144, 123 to support the retention and recruitment of high-quality child care and early years workforce for the period of January – March 2023. Funds are used to support professional learning initiatives and other local initiatives.
Also included is the renewed Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Agreement, to support child care and early years program delivery. The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB has received an additional $72, 588 for Child Care and $181, 967 for EarlyON.
In 2023, the Ministry will continue to provide a one-time transitional grant, to help offset the 5% administration threshold that was implemented in 2022. As well, to continue to help offset a portion of the 50/50 administration cost share. The amount of the transitional grant is $414,902. The one-time grant may also be used to assist with the provision of child care programs and services as well as other child care operating costs.
New funding has been added to our EarlyON Child and Family Centre allocation for mental health supports which will leverage and enhance existing mental health resources and capacity building strategies, our allocation is $29, 066.
10.0 Other Business
11.0 Next Meeting – February 16, 2023
12.0 Adjourn
Resolution No. 23-14
Moved by: Kevin Burke
Seconded by: Denise Portelance-Godin
BE IT RESOLVED THAT we do now adjourn at 12:06 pm. until the next regular meeting to be held on February 16, 2023.
Original Approved by Board Chair -
Original Approved by CAO -