AMO OMSSA NOSDA Ending Chronic Homelessness Research and Advocacy Project

To: Ontario Municipal Service Managers – Chief Administrative Officers, City Managers, Heads of Council       and Chairs, District Social Services Administration Boards
cc: Human, Social and Community Service Municipal Staff Leads

From: Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)
Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA)
Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA)

Re: Ending Chronic Homelessness Research and Advocacy Project 

Date: August 30, 2024

This memo is to inform you about an innovative and unprecedented research project involving your municipalities and District Social Services Administration Boards.

The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA), and the Northern Ontario Service Deliverers Association (NOSDA) are undertaking the Ending Chronic Homelessness in Ontario: Assessment of Need and Cost" research project.

The work will serve as a platform for evidence-informed policy development, advocacy and service planning to end chronic homelessness. The success of the project is dependent upon the full participation of all municipal service managers in Ontario. Your engagement is crucial and appreciated.

The objectives of the research project are to:

  • quantify the current scale and scope of homelessness in Ontario and potential growth without additional interventions;
  • identify and cost solutions at a provincial level to end chronic homelessness in Ontario to a functional zero standard by 2030, as defined by Built for Zero: and,
  • identify the gap between current municipal, provincial, and federal investments and the required investments to end chronic homelessness in Ontario by 2030.

Engagement with municipal service managers is currently in progress by HelpSeeker Technologies, working with AMO, OMSSA, and NOSDA as project partners. The project is in a critical data collection phase and will input into a final report expected by the end of 2024.

Your staff executive leads for homelessness and housing are well positioned to provide an update about your municipality or DSSAB participation in the project.

We hear time and again how challenging the homelessness crisis is for municipalities and DSSABs across Ontario. AMO, OMSSA, and NOSDA are working collaboratively on this research project to improve our collective evidence-based advocacy to the provincial and federal governments. We understand the multiple competing priorities and appreciate your staff’s contribution to this important project.
If you have any questions about the policy intent of the project, please contact: Michael Jacek, Senior Advisor, AMO 
Robin Jones 
President, AMO
Henry Wall
President, OMSSA
Michelle Boileau 
Chair, NOSDA