SkillsAdvance Ontario (SAO) Phase 1 Evaluation Report - August 24, 2020

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment and Training Division
777 Bay Street, 26th Floor
Toronto ON M5G 2E5


TO: Employment Ontario Partners

DATE: August 24, 2020

SUBJECT: SkillsAdvance Ontario (SAO) Phase 1 Evaluation Report

Dear Employment Ontario partners,

In October 2017, the ministry hired an independent firm, CCI Research Inc., to conduct an evaluation on phase one of the SkillsAdvance Ontario (SAO) pilot. The objectives were to:

  • Assess the employment outcomes of SAO jobseekers, including skills development;
  • Examine SAO jobseekers’ outcomes over time and for various socio-demographic groups;
  • Assess the effectiveness of SAO in meeting employer needs; and,
  • Assess the effectiveness of SAO in meeting the needs of jobseekers.

The evaluation was conducted between October 2017 and July 2019. The report provides analyses of the survey results and insight into key trends on service delivery and jobseeker outcomes.

The survey questions addressed employment status, wage earnings, skills development and training, characteristics about jobseekers’ current job(s), and feedback on satisfaction and improvement.

Overall, the findings in the evaluation were positive. Majority of the jobseekers surveyed improved their employment status, improved their skills to find and keep a job, and would recommend SAO to others looking for similar services.

While response rates were lower for employers, the findings in the evaluation suggest employers were generally satisfied with the skill levels of jobseekers, satisfied with the services received, and would recommend SAO to other companies looking to fill their skills gaps.

The Final Evaluation Report has been posted on the Employment Ontario Partners' Gateway (EOPG). The findings provided by CCI Research Inc. provide valuable information to help support the ministry’s commitment to ensure an effective employment and training system.

We would like to thank you for your ongoing commitment to supporting jobseekers and employers through Employment Ontario programs and services.

If you have any questions, please contact your local ministry office. Sincerely,

Original signed by David Carter-Whitney, Assistant Deputy Minister, Employment and Training Division    

Original signed by Erin McGinn, Assistant Deputy Minister, Workforce Policy and Innovation Division