MSDSB Resolution 20-22: Child Care Funding - February 27, 2020


DATE: February 27, 2020 

MOVED BY: Bruce Killah
SECONDED BY: Ned Whynott 

WHEREAS the Ministry of Education provides funding for Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Services Administration Boards (CMSMs/DSSABs) that is founded on a proportionate allocation of specific types of funding based on identified data elements; and 

WHEREAS the Ministry of Education is currently undertaking a full review of the formula and funding model for the Child Care programs under the Service Management of the forty-seven (47) CMSMs/DSSABs; and

WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and the Municipalities that are part of the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB recognize the importance of quality and affordable child care programs and the positive impacts that such programs have on community well-being and creating inclusive communities; and 

WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB vast geographic land area makes up approximately 45,000 square kilometers and encompasses some eleven (11) First Nation communities, eighteen (18) municipalities and unincorporated territories; and

WHEREAS the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Program Planning Committee reviewed the Child Care Funding Formula – Issue Report and is recommending approval to the Board.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board accepts the Program Planning Committees recommendations and approves the Child Care Funding Formula – Issue Report and directs staff to action the recommendations contained within the report; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOVED THAT Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB and member Municipalities demand that the Minister of Education address the funding inequities that have been created by the current funding model for Northern Ontario; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOVED THAT the Ministry of Education adopt the use of the Low-Income Measure After Tax (LIM-AT) instead of the current Low-Income Cut-Off After Tax (LICO-AT) in order to better and more accurately reflect level of poverty faced by families in Northern Ontario; and

FURTHER BE IT RESOVED THAT this resolution be forwarded to all 18 member municipalities and that they are asked to pass similar resolutions supporting this resolution which would be shared with the Honorable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario and the Honourable Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education; and 

FURTHER BE IT RESOVED THAT this resolution be shared with FONOM, NOMA, AMO and OMSSA.   


Original Signed by Chair