Memo: 2020 Licensed Child Care Data Profiles - October 2, 2020

Ministry of Education
Financial Accountability and Data Analysis Branch

315 Front Street West, 11th floor 
Toronto ON M7A 0B8

Ministère de l'Éducation 
Direction de la responsabilité financière et de l’analyse des données

315, rue Front Ouest, 11e étage 
Toronto ON M7A 0B8


TO: Children’s Service Managers, Consolidated Municipal Service Managers and District Social Services Administration Boards
First Nations Administrators of Child Care and Child and Family Programs

FROM: Becky Doyle, Director, Financial Accountability and Data Analysis Branch

DATE: October 2, 2020

SUBJECT: 2020 Licensed Child Care Data Profiles

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and efforts during this past year. Further to the October 2, 2020 memo from Shannon Fuller regarding Ontario’s Early Years and Child Care Annual Report, I am pleased to share with you the 2020 Licensed Child Care Data Profiles.

The data profiles provide detailed information at the provincial, service system manager, and First Nations community level as captured through the Child Care Licensing System as of March 31, 2020. While the data is as of March 31, the numbers reflect the period immediately prior to the emergency closure of child care centres that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of September 30, 2020, 5,158 licensed child care centres and 131 licensed home child care agencies have reopened following the emergency closures resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. This represents 93% of the 5,565 child care centres and 131 home child care agencies that were licensed as of March 31, 2020.

Thank you for your support and cooperation as we work together to reopen child care programs. The ministry remains committed to continuing to support the safe reopening of child care across the province.

I trust you will find the 2020 Licensed Child Care Data Profiles useful in your system service planning. Should you have any questions about the profiles, please feel free to contact me at


Becky Doyle

c.c: Jill Dubrick, Director, Early Years and Child Care Programs and Service Integration Branch
Carol Strachan, Director, Child Care Quality Assurance and Licensing Branch
Maxx-Phillippe Hollott, Manager, Financial Accountability and Data Analysis Branch