Letter to Minister McNaughton - January 30, 2020

January 30, 2020

Minister Monte McNaughton
Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

14th Floor, 400 University Ave.
Toronto ON M7A 1T7

SENT VIA E-MAIL: monte.mcnaughton@pc.ola.org

Dear Minister:

It was great to meet with you at the ROMA Conference to discuss our concerns with you. We really appreciate the opportunity to communicate our ideas directly with and your senior staff.

Employment Ontario Funding Reductions

Minister, for the last two fiscal years, the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) has reduced the Employment Services funding envelopes for the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board. Moreover, the Assisted Service target is the only target in the Service Provider's Business Plan that is set by MLTSD. The other targets are established for us in our business plan; however, the minimum number of the other targets cannot be less than the Provincial target which poses a challenge. These targets have been non-negotiable.

In 2019, the Employment Services funding was reduced as a result of the Assisted Service target not being met. The staff tried to rectify the target number prior to end of the fiscal year, however the work was not accounted for at all in any of the fiscal years. A reduction in this funding will result in staff layoffs if the funding is not restored to the 2017­18 levels.

Our Request:

  • Restore the funding for 2019-20 to allow the Service System Manager to achieve their targets.
  • Allow flexibility to change the targets in the business plan so that MLTSD doesn't dictate the target and that other targets are not a reflection of the province's baseline.
  • Give credit for the file closure in the year that the file closes.
  • Youth Job Connection - Summer

Since inception of the Youth Job Connection - Summer four years ago, the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board has exceeded their Youth Job Connection - Summer target every summer. Every year, the DSB has had to request the additional funds from MLTSD to cover the expenses as there is a need for this program in the Sudbury North area. The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB has proven to have a very successful track record for this program.

The Youth Job Connect - Summer is an extremely important program that allows youth to be employed in their first full time summer job. Many of these youth continue to be employed throughout the school year after their summer employment. This program specifically looks at providing jobs to low income families and at-risk youth.

Our Request:

  • MLTSD support the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB with permanent Youth Job Connection Summer based on previous targets and expenses.
  • New WSIB Rate Structure

The new WSIB rate structure allows for the treatment for office staff to be treated the same as Paramedics where the group of office staff do not account for 20% of insurable earnings, a second-rate group cannot be applied.

This arbitrary 20% figure adversely affects small Northern DSSAB's that deliver Paramedic Services. Programs such as Child Care, Social Assistance and Community Housing are being put at risk and the current WSIB rate structure does not respect the unique delivery system Ontario has created through the creation of DSSABs. The current rate structure will only and specifically impact Northern Ontario.

Our Request:

  • MLTSD support Northern Ontario and specifically small Northern DSSAB's including the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB by allowing multiple rate groups, one for Paramedics and one for office staff.
  • Again, it was great to meet with you and we look forward to working with you and your Ministry staff.


Leslie Gamble
Chair, Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB