Canada Recovery Benefit - Outreach Strategy - December 1, 2021

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
Employment and Training Division
777 Bay Street, 26th Floor
Toronto ON M5G 2E5


To: Employment Ontario Partners

From: Cordelia Abankwa, Assistant Deputy Minister Employment and Training Division, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Date: December 1, 2021

Subject: Canada Recovery Benefit - Outreach Strategy

Dear Employment Ontario partners,

As you know the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) wound down on October 23, 2021. Ontario had approximately 350,000 beneficiaries who received this benefit. The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development will be contacting former CRB beneficiaries to proactively support their ability to return to work and your help is crucial to making this a success.

A phased approach to CRB outreach is being used to connect clients to the appropriate Employment Ontario (EO) supports:

  • Phase 1A – email communication to former CRB beneficiaries, beginning the week of November 22nd.
  • Phase 1B – former CRB beneficiaries without email addresses will be mailed a letter, beginning the week of December 6th.
  • Phase 2 – phone call by EO delivery partners in early January to former CRB beneficiaries without an available e-mail address or home address. We will follow up with you to answer questions and provide information to support you in doing this. In addition, we will partner with the Ministry of Children Community and Social Services to further help smooth a path to employment. Information will be provided to Ontario
  • Works caseworkers that help to better identify how to connect social assistance clients with EO supports and services.

    Thank you for your ongoing support and for all you do through EO programs and services to meet the employment and training needs of the thousands of people that come to us for support. Thank you for the significant role you play in Ontario’s recovery efforts and for your partnership.


Original signed by 

Cordelia Abankwa
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment and Training Division


Charles Bongomin, Regional Director (A), Central Region, Employment and Training Division,

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Tariq Ismati, Regional Director, Eastern Region, Employment and Training Division, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Andrew Irvine, Regional Director, Northern Region, Employment and Training Division, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Heather Cross, Director, Western Region, Employment and Training Division, Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Aki Tefera, Assistant Deputy Minister, Social Assistance Programs Division, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Nelson Loureiro, Executive Director, Social Assistance Transformation, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services