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General Administration | Effective Date: January 23, 2020 |
Topic: Governance | Replaces: June 18, 2012 |
Subject: Ad-Hoc Board Representation | Policy No. B.2.19. |
The Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board approved the creation of an Ad-hoc Committee to study DSB Board Representation.
The Committee shall be comprised of a member from each of the seven (7) jurisdictions that are represented in our catchment area to study the DSB Board representation model. The committee members shall obtain input from any and all municipalities who do not have a representative sitting on the committee.
The members within each of the seven (7) DSB areas will choose a current DSB Board member to be their representative on the committee.
The quorum at a meeting shall be four (4) members.
The Ad-hoc Committee was established by the Board for the sole purpose of studying the DSB Board representation model. The original Board Representation Model was established and approved by double majority in 1998 and the Board sought a review of the current model to ensure it meets the needs of the member municipalities and Territories Without Municipal Organization.
The committee shall complete their mandate and report back to the Board by the November 22, 2012 Board Meeting.
The duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall include the following:
The committee will meet from time to time at the call of the Chair.
The Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Committee shall, in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) set the agenda, which shall then be circulated among the Committee members.
The CAO shall act as secretary of the Committee.
The Chair of the Committee shall provide an oral report with respect to its activities, discussions and recommendations as appropriate to the Board at the November 22, 2012 Board meeting.