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General Administration | Effective Date: July 1, 2010 |
Topic: Administration | Replaces: |
Subject: Reports and Minutes | Policy No. B.1.01. |
This type of report is used when a specific action or change of policy is required of the Board. A standard Issue Report format has been developed. Issue reports will be completed by the appropriate Director/Manager and submitted to the CAO. The CAO and the appropriate Director/Manager will speak to the report at the next meeting of the Board. The Board will deal with these reports by resolution.
The statistical reports are produced monthly by the appropriate Director/manager and directly added to the Program Statistical Reports section of the website. Any exceptional changes in program statistical activity will be reported by email to the CAO who will advise the Board as appropriate.
Effective September 1, 2009, Program Activity Reports will be done on a quarterly basis. These Quarterly Reports will be succinct commentaries on the major activities for each program in the preceding quarter. The CAO will combine these reports and provide a summation. Following receipt and approval by the Board, the combined Quarterly Report will be provided to the member municipalities in a format that allows them to be easily distributed to members of Council.
The Director of Finance will complete a Quarterly Financial Report following the end of each quarter. This report will also be distributed to member municipalities.
The minutes will be created within 10 calendar days of the Board meeting and electronically distributed to Board members. Board members will have 10 days after receipt of the minutes to comment. Following the 10-day review period and with the approval of the Board Chair, the minutes will go on the website. The Board minutes will be confirmed at the next regular Board meeting.
There will be no regular taking of minutes at Committee meetings. The CAO/appropriate Director/manager may be asked to record notes to ensure continuity of action between meetings. All Committee decision are subject to the formal approval of resolutions by the Board and those resolutions are recorded in the Board minutes.