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Municipality | Land Ambulance ($) | % of EMS Apport. | Social Housing ($) | % of Social Housing Apport. | Ontario Works ($) | % of Ontario Works Apport. | Child Care ($) | % of Child Care Apport. | 2020 Municipal Apportionment | Power Dam Apport. | Total 2020 Municipal Apportionment ($) | % of Total |
Assiginack | 239,750 | 3.53% | 78,718 | 3.53% | 32,893 | 3.53% | 23,606 | 3.53% | 374,967 | 374,967 | 3.53% | |
Gordon & Barrie Island | 183,297 | 2.70% | 60,183 | 2.70% | 25,148 | 2.70% | 18,048 | 2.70% | 286,676 | 286,676 | 2.70% | |
Cockburn Island | 15,066 | 0.22% | 4,947 | 0.22% | 2,067 | 0.22% | 1,483 | 0.22% | 23,563 | 23,563 | 0.22% | |
Billings | 224,093 | 3.30% | 73,578 | 3.30% | 30,745 | 3.30% | 22,065 | 3.30% | 350,481 | 350,481 | 3.30% | |
Central Manitoulin | 509,504 | 7.51% | 167,288 | 7.51% | 69,902 | 7.51% | 50,167 | 7.51% | 796,861 | 796,861 | 7.51% | |
Burpee & Mills | 94,027 | 1.39% | 30,872 | 1.39% | 12,900 | 1.39% | 9,258 | 1.39% | 147,057 | 147,057 | 1.39% | |
Tehkummah | 99,496 | 1.47% | 32,668 | 1.47% | 13,651 | 1.47% | 9,797 | 1.47% | 155,612 | 155,612 | 1.47% | |
NEMI | 676,483 | 9.97% | 222,113 | 9.97% | 92,811 | 9.97% | 66,608 | 9.97% | 1,058,015 | 1,058,015 | 9.97% | |
Gore Bay | 89,757 | 1.32% | 29,470 | 1.32% | 12,314 | 1.32% | 8,838 | 1.32% | 140,379 | 140,379 | 1.32% | |
Killarney | 425,881 | 6.28% | 139,832 | 6.28% | 58,429 | 6.28% | 41,933 | 6.28% | 666,075 | 666,075 | 6.28% | |
Baldwin | 78,801 | 1.16% | 25,873 | 1.16% | 10,811 | 1.16% | 7,759 | 1.16% | 123,244 | 123,244 | 1.16% | |
Chapleau | 126,699 | 1.87% | 41,600 | 1.87% | 17,383 | 1.87% | 12,475 | 1.87% | 198,157 | 198,157 | 1.87% | |
Espanola | 654,692 | 11.27% | 214,959 | 11.27% | 89,821 | 11.27% | 64,463 | 11.27% | 1,023,935 | 171,793 | 1,195,728 | 11.27% |
French River | 758,003 | 11.17% | 248,879 | 11.17% | 103,995 | 11.17% | 74,635 | 11.17% | 1,185,512 | 1,185,512 | 11.17% | |
Markstay-Warren | 370,753 | 5.58% | 121,731 | 5.58% | 50,866 | 5.58% | 36,505 | 5.58% | 579,855 | 579,855 | 5.46% | |
Nairn & Hyman | 90,003 | 1.40% | 29,551 | 1.40% | 12,348 | 1.40% | 8,862 | 1.40% | 140,764 | 11,999 | 152,763 | 1.44% |
Sables-Spanish Rivers | 424,185 | 6.25% | 139,275 | 6.25% | 58,197 | 6.25% | 41,766 | 6.25% | 663,423 | 8,313 | 671,736 | 6.33% |
St Charles | 251,234 | 3.70% | 82,489 | 3.70% | 34,468 | 3.70% | 24,737 | 3.70% | 392,928 | 392,928 | 3.70% | |
Total Organized Municipalities | 5,311,724 | 80.10% | 1,744,026 | 80.10% | 728,749 | 80.10% | 523,005 | 80.10% | 8,307,504 | 192,105 | 8,499,609 | 80.10% |
TWOMO | 1,350,157 | 19.90% | 443,304 | 19.90% | 185,237 | 19.90% | 132,940 | 19.90% | 2,111,638 | 2,111,638 | 19.90% | |
Total Municipal Share Budget | 6,661,881 | 100.00% | 2,187,330 | 100.00% | 913,986 | 100.00% | 655,945 | 100.00% | 10,419,142 | 192,105 | 10,611,247 | 100.00% |
Municipality | 2020 Weighted Assessment ($) | % | 2019 Weighted Assessment ($) | % | % change | 2020 Apportionment ($) | 2020 Apportionment % |
Assiginack | 185,545,523 | 4.51% | 179,531,860 | 4.51% | 0.01% | 374,967 | 3.53% |
Gordon & Barrie Island | 141,855,540 | 3.45% | 135,855,700 | 3.41% | 0.04% | 286,676 | 2.70% |
Cockburn Island | 11,659,850 | 0.28% | 11,252,556 | 0.28% | 0.00% | 23,563 | 0.22% |
Billings | 173,428,350 | 4.22% | 168,209,748 | 4.22% | -0.01% | 350,481 | 3.30% |
Central Manitoulin | 394,311,028 | 9.59% | 378,999,942 | 9.52% | 0.07% | 796,861 | 7.51% |
Burpee & Mills | 72,768,535 | 1.77% | 70,355,343 | 1.77% | 0.00% | 147,057 | 1.39% |
Tehkummah | 77,001,466 | 1.87% | 74,259,548 | 1.86% | 0.01% | 155,612 | 1.47% |
NEMI | 523,538,135 | 12.74% | 511,707,174 | 12.85% | -0.11% | 1,058,015 | 9.97% |
Gore Bay | 69,463,715 | 1.69% | 68,865,740 | 1.73% | -0.04% | 140,379 | 1.32% |
Killarney | 329,594,344 | 8.02% | 314,217,280 | 7.89% | 0.13% | 666,075 | 6.28% |
Baldwin | 60,985,015 | 1.48% | 57,114,321 | 1.43% | 0.05% | 123,244 | 1.16% |
Chapleau | 98,054,025 | 2.39% | 94,010,734 | 2.36% | 0.02% | 198,157 | 1.87% |
Espanola | 506,674,038 | 12.33% | 494,469,621 | 12.42% | -0.09% | 1,195,728 | 11.27% |
French River | 586,627,803 | 14.27% | 570,625,821 | 14.33% | -0.06% | 1,185,512 | 11.17% |
Markstay-Warren | 286,929,884 | 6.98% | 279,543,334 | 7.02% | -0.04% | 579,855 | 5.46% |
Nairn & Hyman | 69,654,294 | 1.69% | 68,338,316 | 1.72% | -0.02% | 152,763 | 1.44% |
Sables-Spanish Rivers | 328,282,233 | 7.99% | 317,678,168 | 7.98% | 0.01% | 671,736 | 6.33% |
St Charles | 194,432,742 | 4.73% | 187,128,216 | 4.70% | 0.03% | 392,928 | 3.70% |
Total Organized Municipalities | 4,110,806,521 | 100.00% | 3,982,163,422 | 100.00% | 0.00% | 8,499,609 | 80.10% |
TWOMO | 2,111,638 | 19.90% | |||||
Total Municipal Share Budget | 10,611,247 | 100.00% |