Author Site Reviewresults

Homelessness Prevention Program Investment Plan - Issue Report

Report To: Program Planning Committee

From: Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Human Services
                Kristian Thorne, Integrated Human Services Manager

Date: June 19, 2024

Re: Homelessness Prevention Program Investment Plan - Issue Report


To provide the Board with information on the 2024-25 Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) Investment Plan.


Staff received confirmation from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in May that our HPP allocation will be provided as expected for the 2024-25 year.

The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board’s HPP allocation is $2, 537, 600 annually.

The HPP aims to address chronic homelessness across the province and flexibility to support a wide range of homelessness prevention and supportive housing initiatives. The funding also provides the necessary flexibility to fund capital projects and provide longer-term rental assistance as appropriate.

HPP is administered under a service agreement between the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and each service manager. Service managers are provided with funding and flexibility to offer programs and services to meet the objectives and outcomes of HPP. The below investment plan has been submitted to MMAH conditionally pending board approval.

Investment Plan

Service managers are required to submit an annual investment plan to the ministry. The ministry reviews and approves investment plans from a financial and program perspective to ensure that the plans follow the HPP Guidelines.

The investment plan requires staff to forecast and outline spending HPP funds in the upcoming fiscal year, across all categories. There are opportunities to adjust planned expenditures based on community need.

Our services and activities will continue to prioritize keeping seniors in their own homes. We will continue to provide a direct shelter subsidy to assist those on our Community Housing wait list to maintain their current accommodation without accessing their basic needs. 

HPP will continue to be used to support alternative emergency shelter solutions including short term stays and transportation to meet immediate needs. HPP is used to alleviate pressures caused by not having a formal emergency shelter in the district.

HPP funding will be used to continue to offer supports in response to ever changing community need including rent supplements, food security and short-term housing assistance.

We have noted considerable increases to food bank use throughout our district, food security challenges have been identified with Social Assistance, Housing, and Early Years clients as well as homeless individuals. Food banks are also sharing that many clients are not receiving social assistance but are working in low-income jobs and experiencing high shelter costs which results in the need to access food banks.

We plan to continue our partnership with Health Sciences North in Lacloche that allows for increased short term mental health support as well as immediate shelter needs and access to food/ transportation.

HPP provides us the ability to continue with our successful Direct Shelter Subsidy (DSS) program which continues to aid in the prevention of homelessness, including those being released from provincial institutions. DSS ensures a household's shelter expenses are covered and income needed for basic needs can be used for basic needs and not rent or utilities. This program allows for households to engage in a better quality of life, healthier nutrition choices and necessities of life.

The flexibility of HPP allows us the ability to focus efforts where the need is. The partnerships we have created with community agencies increase our understanding as to community need and pressures.

A portion of HPP funding will be used to continue construction of our supportive housing building in Espanola. Capital funding in the amount of $1,692,600 will be used for 3 of the 10 accessible units within the new building. 

We plan to provide onsite support within our new supportive housing project. Examples of onsite support may include rent supplements, budgeting, employment, life skills and/or eating healthy. Specific support, outside of rent supplements, will be identified as the project progresses in consultation with community partners based on tenant needs identified through the BNL and our centralized wait list.

Allocation $2,537,600

Service Category Planned Expenditures
Community Outreach and Support Services $500,000
Emergency Shelter Solutions $10,000
Housing Assistance $235,000
Supportive Housing Capital $1,692,600
Administration $100,000
TOTAL $2,537,600


Staff are recommending that the Board approve the HPP Investment Plan totalling $2,537,600, as submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.