Author Site Reviewresults

7.5. Fire Code - DSB Apts


Community Housing Effective Date: July 1, 2021
Topic: Infrastructure & Asset Management Replaces: February 1, 2013 
Subject: Fire Code - DSB Apts Policy No. I.7.5. 



It is the policy of the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB to adhere to the Ontario Fire Code. The primary role is to ensure all equipment, fire log books and fire safety plans are in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code.

Where DSB staff discovers a smoke detector has been disabled, missing or impaired, they will report this immediately to their supervisor, who will take appropriate action. In the interim the smoke alarm will be put back in operating condition and the tenant will be advised not to tamper or disconnect the smoke detector.


Key activities to ensure compliance include:

All emergency related equipment inspections, tests, corrective actions must be documented and recorded in the Fire Log Book. Documentation must be retained for examination by the Authority having jurisdiction.

Checks, Tests, and Inspections

In the fire code is a list and schedule of required checks, tests, and or inspections of systems or equipment.

  • check ... means visual observation to ensure the device or system is in place and is not obviously damaged or obstructed
  • test ... means operation of device or system to ensure that it will perform in accordance with its intended operation or function
  • inspect ... means physical examination to determine that the device or system will apparently perform in accordance with its intended function.
Fire Log Book

The Custodians must ensure that the required checking, testing and inspecting of all fire protection equipment, warning and life safety systems are carried out as required by the Ontario Fire Code and recorded in the Fire Log Book.

Fire Safety Plan

The Ontario Fire Code requires the DSB to develop a Fire Safety Plan for every building and ensure that said plans are updated as required.

Fire Drills

Community Housing Program Supervisor will conduct a fire drill at the annual tenant’s meeting.

Smoke Alarms

All documentation of smoke alarm checks must be placed in the service request. Copies of the smoke alarm’s manufacturer’s maintenance instructions shall be provided to the tenant in each dwelling unit.

Smoke Alarm must be checked for the following:

  1. a proper date, which is less than 10 years for smoke alarms and less than 5 years for a combination smoke and CO alarm; and
  2. proper function when tested with Smoke CheckTM or Smoke in a CanTM; and
  3. that they are unobstructed or not impaired in any way; and
  4. in the case of multiple smoke alarms in one unit, that they all annunciate when one alarm goes off.

If the alarm is not compliant with the above, then appropriate corrective action will be taken and recorded in the service request.


Smoke alarms will be checked for compliance during the annual unit checks. As well, anytime a DSB custodian is in a unit for service request work they will also check to ensure the unit is present and not been disabled.

Disabled, Missing or Impaired Smoke Detectors

If the custodian discovers a smoke detector disabled, missing or impaired they are to report it immediately to their supervisor. The supervisor will take appropriate action. In the interim the smoke alarm will be put back in operating condition. In addition, the Community Housing Program Supervisor will be advised to ensure the information is documented for the purposes of determining continued tenancy in the unit.

Tenant Responsibilities

The tenant is responsible to report any issues with the detector to the DSB as per the standard maintenance request process.

The Ontario Fire Code specifically states “No person shall intentionally disable a smoke alarm so as to make it inoperable.” A fine can be levied by the Fire Marshal against the tenant if the tenant is found at fault.

Also note as per Schedule B of the lease agreement under Safety Equipment “the tenant shall not tamper with or disconnect any heat, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, fire alarms, door closers, or any other safety equipment installed in the Leased Premises or the Residential Complex by the Landlord.”