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Community Housing | Effective Date: December 1, 2010 |
Topic: Pets | Replaces: |
Subject: Pet Abandonment | Policy No. I.5.3. |
To prohibit the practice of leaving pets unattended in units for extended lengths of time. To reduce the stress on the animal and to end the disruption the stressed animals cause to tenants.
In the past tenants often left pets in their units (while on vacation, in the hospital, etc.) for extended periods of time. In some cases friends or relatives would occasionally stop in to feed the animal; but overall the animal would be neglected and left alone for long periods of time often without food or water.
Neither the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB, nor the DSB staff will be held accountable or responsible for this type of action on the part of the tenant. A tenant in possession of a pet shall be held responsible. Should the tenant be in an incoherent state at the time of leaving the unit (example being taken away by ambulance) and unable to plan for the pets care, a next of kin or specified individual shall be assigned responsibility.
At the time of initial move-in and during the signing of the Tenancy Agreement, any tenant owning a pet shall sign a Pet Information Form. Part of this Pet Information Form will be the naming of an individual who will assume responsibility of the tenant’s pet should that tenant leave the unit for more that a 24 hour period.
Should it be discovered that a tenant has left a pet unattended in a unit for more than 24 hours. DSB staff will notify the individual listed on the Pet Agreement form and the pet is to be removed from the unit until the tenant returns.
Should the DSB staff be unable to contact that named individual within an additional 24 hour period, the animal will be considered an abandoned pet and the local SPCA will be called in to remove the animal from the unit.
Reference: Pet Information Form 5.4b