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Report To: Program Planning Committee
From: Lori Clark, Director of Integrated Social Services (A)
Date: May 26, 2022
Re: 2022-23 COCHI-OPHI - Issue Report\
To provide the Board with an update on the 2022-23 Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI) and Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI).
A letter was sent to the Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Board Chair from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 27th, 2022 confirming our 2022-23 allocations for COCHI, OPHI, and Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (COHB).
2022-23 Allocations
COCHI $347,763
OPHI $207,700
COHB $114,700
Staff are required to submit an investment plan for COCHI and OPHI funding before May 31, 2022.
Investment Plan
The Ministry is requiring a more robust investment plan this year which requires predicting the number of households for each target group to be served in our area for both COCHI and OPHI funding. The target groups include:
• Homeless
• Indigenous Peoples
• Mental/Health Addiction Issues
• Persons with Disabilities
• Racialized Groups
• Recent Immigrants
• Seniors
• Survivors of Domestic Violence
• Veterans
• Young Adults and
• Unspecified.
The investment plan proposes to use the COCHI funding of $347,763 less administration for two projects prioritized in the Building Condition Assessment which was shared with the Board in October 2020.
The following two projects will support target groups including Indigenous peoples, Persons with Disabilities, Mental Health/Addiction Issues, Seniors and Survivors of Domestic Violence.
COCHI Projects
Location | Project | Cost |
66 Robinson St. Little Current | Balcony Repair | $72,758 |
Main Electrical Service Distribution Replacement | $75,640 | |
Total Little Current | $148,398 | |
76 Wellington St. Manitowaning | Balcony Repair | $121,094 |
Main Electrical Service Distribution Replacement | $60,883 | |
Total Manitowaning | $181,977 | |
Administration | $17,388 | |
Total COCHI | $347,763 |
The investment plan proposes to use the OPHI capital funding of $207,700 less administration to support the new build in Little Current to create long-term affordable housing for seniors. There is a high need for senior’s housing that is currently being under supported. We are short in meeting our targets as well as being short in adhering to our 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan recommendations.
This project is a senior building, therefore 1 unit will reach the target group of seniors, as the unit has not been assigned, it is unknown if additional target groups will be supported.
Staff provided an issue report to the board in February 2020 regarding the COHB program. The COHB is a portable housing benefit program where funding is paid directly to low-income households that are on or eligible to be on a social housing waitlist. An investment plan is not required for the COHB program.
Staff are recommending the Board approve the COCHI OPHI Investment Plan totaling $555,463 to be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.